

作者: 邱梅_qiumei | 来源:发表于2019-01-29 16:56 被阅读52次

**  薄荷阅读《心理学百科》笔记整理


- Philosophical Roots: Psychology In The Making -

· The Beginnings of the Mental Life Date from the Beginning of Life ·

**  有生命就有心灵


>>  The Father of Experimental Psychology

Wilhelm Wundt

**  "实验心理学之父":威廉·冯特

**  90年代初,著名的心理学学术期刊American Psychologist面向29位研究心理学的历史学家进行调查,对著名的心理学家们进行排名,结果显示冯特的影响力位居首位,而威廉·詹姆斯和西格蒙德·弗洛伊德分列第二和第三名。

** 走进他的理论之前,我们先来认识一下冯特其人。

>>  Born in Baden (now Mannheim, Germany), Wilhelm Wundt was the fourth child in a family with a long history of intellectual achievement. His father was a Lutheran minister.

**  冯特,1832年出生于德国巴登。他的家庭可算书香门第,家族几代都学识过人、成就甚高,父亲更是路德教的牧师。

>>  Plus the development of economy and education,the young Wundt was allowed little time for play, as he was pushed through a rigorous educational regime.

**  加上那个时期的德国经济发展态势良好,促进了教育的普及与进步——就这样,在家庭和时代的双重影响下,冯特从小就与玩乐隔绝、接受严苛的教育。

>>  “Wilhelm Wundt was a pioneering physician who laid the foundations of modern day psychology. ”

>>  Attending a strict Catholic school from the age of 13. He went on to study at the universities of Berlin, Tübingen, and Heidelberg, graduating in medicine in 1856.

**  13岁时,他入读管教严厉的天主教学校;接着,他前往柏林大学、图宾根大学和海德堡大学修读医学,1856年毕业。

>>  Two years later, Wundt became assistant to the physician Hermann von Helmholtz, who was famous for his work on visual perception.

**  后来,冯特留在海德堡大学,成为著名视知觉研究者赫尔姆霍兹的助手,负责教生理学的实验课。逐渐地,冯特发现自己真正的兴趣不在医学,而在心理学。1863-1864年,他开始在学校教授心理学,课程名叫人类与动物心理学理论。

>>  While at Heidelberg, Wundt started teaching the world's first course in experimental psychology, and in 1879 opened the first psychology laboratory.

**  1875年,他成为莱比锡大学(University of Leipzig)的哲学教授。1879年,也正是在此地,他成立了世界上第一个心理学实验室。

>> His laboratory inspired other universities in the USA and Europe to set up psychology departments, many of which were modelled on his original laboratory and were led by pupils such as Edward Titchener and James Cattell.

**  那之后,美国和欧洲的其他学术机构受到启发,在冯特的学生如Edward Titchener和James Cattell等的引领之下,也开始建设自己的心理学实验室。




>>  Wundt wrote over 490 works and was probably the world's most prolific scientific writer.

**  冯特的一生中撰写了超过490部著作,可算是世界上最高产的科学作家了。

**  将本章内容一言以蔽之,冯特相信「一切形式的生命都有心理意识」,并且通过「观察的方法」来对生命的心理状态进行实验。随后,他「给意识进行分类」,并且将其概念「从个体延伸到社会」。他认为:

>>  Even single-celled organisms have some form of consciousness

“The beginnings of a differentiation of mental function can be found even in the protozoa.”


**  埃米尔·克雷佩林,在莱比锡大学(University of Leipzig)学习期间,冯特正是他的导师。克雷佩林曾如此评价冯特:

>>  “We felt that we were trailblazers entering virgin territory,

like creators of a science with undreamt-of prospects

Wundt spent several afternoons every week in his adjacent modest Professorial office,

came to see us, advised us and often got involved in the experiments;

he was also available to us at any time.”

**  代表著作 Key Works

**  1863 Lectures on the Mind of Humans and Animals 《关于人类和动物心灵的讲座》

**  1873—1874 Principles of Physiological Psychology 《生理心理学原理》

** 1896 Outline of Psychology 《心理学纲要》


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