Dear Reinhart

作者: 妙宗舶攸 | 来源:发表于2018-06-10 10:37 被阅读207次

    Thank for your loving mail. Myka loves you very much. I am so touched when you say you hold me in your heart.  me too, my love

    life is as usual and a good news is one of my classmate just give birth to a baby boy(her second son) and another my classmate just got pregnant for 3month. I will be the latest one in my friends if we have a pig year baby. 

    father seems got a new job opportunity to raise crocodile, he is excited for his new job. but will far away from home. I don’t know if he can work well he never raised crocodile before. just fishes shrimp and crab. anyway, he never raised shrimp and crab before ,but now he did. he just search on the internet how to do that, haha. People can learn. He is joking to bring me 1 crocodile handbag and I say I don’t need it. I don’t like crocodile handbag which makes me think of crocodile's death.

    Another funny thing is last night we are very eager to watch the firework of ShangHe meeting in Qingdao, but unluckily all the other family think the same. We drove to east round island road and there are so many cars on that narrow road, all the police office came out to direct traffic, they don’t let us park, if you want to park you need to arrive very early. The other unlucky thing is when we passed the best watching part, the firework didn’t start yet, but when we drive to the back of the mountain, we hear the sound of the fireworks but we can’t see it. I think last night there are many families went back see nothing with disappointment. At least we heard the sound of it. In fact it is a bad idea to watch the fireworks from such a far distance. When we went back I saw a lot of beautiful photos in my wechat app all my Qingdao friends’ moment is posting fireworks. some form TV some from Qingdao Olympic center.

    Anyway , it was a funny experience. All the way home mom was laughing cause father always take the wrong road and waste a lot of time.

    So that is my recent life. is it funny? my dear

    I love you and happy to share my life with you. our vegetable grows very fast and strong. Mom watering them nearly every day. I think when you come in September, you may see them harvest. I can let you pick the fruit. eggplant radish and  many other….

    wo ai ni

    Yours Myka



      • 云竹日松:看得出,你是个比较用心用英语写作的青岛姑娘,非常热爱生活!尽管有多处名词和动词的形态出现错误,但瑕不掩瑜,确实用心向你的男友分享了两件快乐有趣的事情,佩服你,加油!
        Hope you happy forever !
        云竹日松:@timelady 写写就好了,顺便说一句,很喜欢你们青岛八大关,还有享誉“海上名山第一”之称的崂山,很美!:blush:
        妙宗舶攸:@高山上来客 哈哈,是的,哈特说他完全能看懂我的英语,不求完美。我口语更差,但是互相理解就够了。
      • 青衣粲然:非常喜欢你的这封信,浓浓的亲情,暖暖的家的味道。娓娓道来,不疾不徐,成语说的如数家珍,就是你们日常生活中的点点滴滴,那就是珍珠呀。
        青衣粲然:@青衣粲然 哈哈,我就有点担心我没看懂。我以为你是写给你的孩子呢。这个糗出大了。
        妙宗舶攸:@青衣粲然 是爸爸养鳄鱼,生孩子的是女同学。我们还没结婚呢哈哈:smile:。。。

      本文标题:Dear Reinhart
