英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 Verbs f

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 Verbs f

作者: 哩哩嘞 | 来源:发表于2020-06-28 23:55 被阅读0次

    To promote, to move someone up in an organization, usually because she has done a good job.

    We are going to promote her to manager.

    If we don't promote him, he will probably be upset.

    The opposite of promote is demote.

    (It looks like we promoted him too soon, because he can't do the job.)

    (I don't think she deserves a promotion yet, but her boss is insisting that we give it to her.)


    promote   v.促进; 推动; 促销; 推销; 提升; 晋升;

    demote  v.使降级,使降职,使降低地位(常作为惩罚);

    To transfer, to move someone or something from one place to another.

    The company is going to transfer him to Shanghai next month.

    She doesn't want to be transferred because her husband is against moving to another city.

    (He likes working for us, but he wants to be transferred to a different place with the company.)

    (She won't agree to be transferred unless we give her a promotion and a salary increase.)

    transfer v.(使) 转移,搬迁; (使) 调动; 转职; 转学; 改变(环境); 转移(感情); 传染(疾病); 让与,转让(权力等);

    To motivate, to get someone interested and excited about doing something.

    She is really good at motivating her employees.

    One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback.

    We need to motivate people more not to demotivate them by reducing benefits.

    (He's no fool, so giving him an award without an increase in salary won't motivate him.)

    (They aren't working hard enough because they aren't being motivated.)

    motivate  v.成为…的动机; 是…的原因; 推动…甘愿苦干; 激励; 激发; (就所说的话) 给出理由; 说明…的原因;

    constructive  adj.建设性的; 有助益的; 积极的;

    feedback    n.反馈的意见(或信息); (电器的) 反馈噪音;

    demotivate   v.使失去动力; 使变得消极;

    reduce   v.减少,缩小(尺寸、数量、价格等); (使) 蒸发; 减轻体重; 节食;

    he is no fool  no为副词,在此译为绝不. 副词前不能接量词    he is not a fool

    no fool   绝不傻

    To postpone, to delay or put off something into a later date.

    We had to postpone the presentation because she wasn't ready to give it.

    We can't continue to postpone the meeting or they will cancel it completely.

    We have no choice but to postpone the test because the weather conditions aren't right.

    (They are asking to postpone making their payment, so we may decide to cancel the contract.)     要求延迟付款

    postpone   v.延迟; 延期; 展缓;

    delayv.延迟; 延期; 推迟; 使迟到; 使耽搁; 使拖延;

    put off[词典]推迟; 拖延; 敷衍; 搪塞; 使反感; 使失去兴趣; 使分心; 搅扰;

    later date  网络晚些时候;

    later adj.后来的; 以后的; 接近末期的; 晚年的;

    To evade, to escape or avoid something.

    They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.

    (The hackers broke into the computer and evaded detection until it was too late to catch them.)

    (They can’t evade paying the import tax or they will lose their license to do business in that country.)

    evade    v.逃脱; 躲开; 躲避; 逃避,规避(尤指法律或道德责任); 回避,避开(处理或谈论某事);

    hacker  n.黑客(秘密窥视或改变他人计算机系统信息);

    detection  n.侦查; 探测; 察觉; 发现;

    To promote someone means to give them a higher level job.

    Giving someone constructive feedback is one way to motivate them.

    When he didn't get his bonus he was really demotivated, so the quality of his work went down.

    He was arrested for tax evasion.

    bonus   n.奖金; 红利; 意外收获;

    evasion   n.躲避; 规避; 逃避; 回避; 遁词; 借口; 托词;



          本文标题:英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 Verbs f
