英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 -Verbs

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 -Verbs

作者: karen_ffda | 来源:发表于2019-05-25 19:51 被阅读0次

Verbs for Business动词为业务

To promote, to move someone up an organization usually because she has done a good job.升职,提拔通常是因为她做得很好。

We are going to promote her to manager.我们打算把她提升为经理。

If we don't promote him, he'll probably be upset.如果我们不提拔他,他可能会不高兴。

The opposite of promote is demote.晋升的反义词是降级。

It looks like we promoted him too soon, because he can’t do the job. 看来我们提拔他太早了,因为他不能胜任这项工作。

We shouldn'tpromoteanyone unless they reallydeserveit, which means they have toprovethemselves.我们不应该提拔任何人,除非他们真的值得提拔,这意味着他们必须证明自己。

To transfer, to move someone or something from one place to another.转移,转移某人或某物从一个地方到另一个地方

The company is going to transfer him to Shanghai next month.公司下个月要把他调到上海去。

She doesn't want to be transferred, because her husband is against moving to another city.她不想被调走,因为她丈夫反对搬到另一个城市去。

He wants to be transferred back to engineering because he hates paperwork.他想调回工程部,因为他讨厌文书工作。

He likesworkingfor us, but he wants to betransferredto a different place within the company.他喜欢在我们公司工作,但他希望能调到公司的另一个部门去工作。

To motivate, to get someone interested and excited about doing something. 激励,让某人对做某事感兴趣和兴奋。

She is really good at motivating her employees. 她真的很善于激励她的员工

One way to motivate someone is to encourage them by giving constructive feedback. 激励别人的一个方法是通过给予建设性的反馈来鼓励他们。

We need to motivate people more and not demotivate them by reducing benefits. 我们需要更多地激励人们,而不是通过降低福利来降低他们的积极性。

To motivate someone means to get them to care about their work. 激励某人意味着让他们关心自己的工作。

He’s nofool, so giving him an award without an increase insalarywon’tmotivatehim. 他不傻,所以不给他加薪就给他颁奖不会激励他。

To postpone, to delay or put it off something into a later date. 推迟,推迟或把某事推迟到以后的日期

We had to postpone the presentation, because she wasn't ready to give it.我们不得不推迟演讲,因为她还没有准备好。

We can't continue to postpone the meeting, or they will cancel it completely.我们不能再推迟会议了,否则他们会把会议完全取消的。

We have no choice but to postpone the test, because the weather conditions aren't right.因为天气不好,我们别无选择,只能推迟考试。

We can'tpostponelaunching the product, so everyone will have to work harder to meet thedeadline.我们不能推迟产品的上市,所以每个人都必须更加努力才能赶上最后期限。

To evade, to escape or avoid something.逃避,逃避或逃避某事

They are trying to evade taking responsibility for their failure.他们试图逃避为自己的失败承担责任。

He was arrested for tax evasion.他因逃税而被捕。

They can't evade paying the import tax or they will lose their license to do business in that country.他们不能逃避进口税,否则他们将失去在那个国家做生意的执照。

Theydesignedthe airplaneto evadedetection by radar.他们设计这架飞机是为了躲避雷达的探测。

To promote someone meansto give them a higher level job.提拔某人的意思是给他们一份更高层次的工作。

Giving someone constructive feedback isone way to motivate them.给别人建设性的反馈是激励他们的一种方式。

One wayto motivatesomeone is to encourage them bygivingconstructivefeedback.激励别人的一个方法是通过给予建设性的反馈来鼓励他们。

They are tryingto evadetakingresponsibilityfor theirfailure.他们试图逃避为自己的失败承担责任。

We had to postpone the presentation because she wasn't ready to give it.我们不得不推迟演讲,因为她还没有准备好。

We need to motivate people more and demotivate them by reducing benefits.我们需要更多地激励人们,减少福利,让他们失去动力。

To assign, to give someone a task to do.分配给某人一项任务。

His boss assigned him to increase sales by 50%.他的老板指派他把销售额提高50%。

Her company assigned her to find out more about the competition.她的公司派她去了解更多有关竞争的情况

His department was the one which was assigned to complete the project, so our department wasn’t involved.他的部门负责完成这个项目,所以我们部门没有参与。

It's very dangerous, so I won'tassignthe project to you unless you are willing to take arisk.这很危险,所以除非你愿意冒险,否则我不会把这个项目交给你。

To penalize, to fine or punish someone for doing something wrong. 惩罚因做错事而惩罚、罚款或惩罚某人

They were penalized for breaking the rules. 他们因违反规则而受到惩罚。

You will be penalized if you are late. 如果你迟到,你将受到惩罚

They were all penalized, so they had to work even harder to complete the project on time. 他们都受到了惩罚,所以他们不得不更加努力地按时完成项目。

She waspenalizedfor not submitting her application on time, so she had to pay an extrafee.她因为没有按时提交申请而受到惩罚,所以她不得不支付额外的费用。

To lay off, to fire or sack a worker because business is bad.因为生意不好而解雇、解雇或解雇工人。

The company was failing, so he was laid off.公司倒闭了,所以他被解雇了。

Our company had to lay off 50% of our employees.我们公司不得不裁掉50%的员工。

A company may have to lay off workers when business is bad.当生意不好时,公司可能不得不裁员。

He was doing a good job, but the company had to lay him off because they were losing money.他干得很好,但是公司因为亏损而不得不解雇他。

She waslaid off, not fired, so it should be easier for herto finda new job.她被解雇了,而不是被解雇了,所以她应该更容易找到一份新工作。

To recruit, to look for new employees to hire.招聘,寻找新员工。

They are expanding their business, and recruiting new employees.他们正在扩大业务,招聘新员工。

She joined the company after she was recruited at a job fair.她在一次招聘会上被录用后加入了这家公司。

She wasrecruitedto work for arecruitingcompany, but now she's beinglaid off.她被一家招聘公司录用,但现在被解雇了。

To resign, to voluntarily quit one's job.辞职,自愿辞职。

His boss didn't like him, so he was asked to resign.他的老板不喜欢他,所以他被要求辞职。

She resigned from her job because of health reasons.她因健康原因辞去了工作。

He didn't want to betransferred, so he decide toresignand work for a competitor.他不想被调走,所以他决定辞职,为竞争对手工作。

A companymayhave tolay offworkerswhenbusiness is bad.当生意不好时,公司可能不得不裁员。

She resigned from her job because of health reasons.她因健康原因辞去了工作。



      本文标题:英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part2 -Verbs
