Charges for Bed and Breakfast at the Donclair Hotelare as follows:
first twonights - $50 per night
thirdand subsequent nights - $40 per night
However, guests who stay for seven or moreconsecutive nights pay $40 per night for the whole of their stay.
Additionally, the bill for the hotel will includeany charges incurred for the use of the car park.
The charge for the car park is $5 per night or $25for a seven-night permit.
John stayed at the hotel recently for fiveconsecutive nights, keeping his car in the car park. He
has now booked eight consecutive nights next month,and again he will keep his car in the car
park. John never has any other charges added to hisbill.
How much more than last time will John’s bill for his next stay at the Donclair Hotel be?
A $100
B $105
C $115
D $120
E $125
F $135