3/24/2017 奥巴马健保

作者: 啊迪王 | 来源:发表于2017-03-24 22:29 被阅读0次

    In an effort to coax skeptics within the party to support an overhaul of federal health-care law, House Republican leaders introduced nine amendments on Monday night and three more on Thursday. The House originally was to have voted on the legislation, called the American Health Care Act, on Thursday, but the chamber’s leaders postponed it for lack of support. At the urging of President Trump, they announced Thursday night that they would hold the vote on Friday.  It remains unclear whether these changes are persuading the dozens in their ranks who have been saying they oppose the legislation or have serious concerns. Given that all Democrats are expected to vote against it, the legislation will fail if more than 22 House Republicans vote against it.


    Starting next year, would get rid of the ACA’s requirement that health plans sold to individuals and small businesses must cover 10 “essential health benefits,” including care for pregnant women and newborns, mental health treatment and maternity care, among other things. The bill would, instead, direct each state to determine the basic health benefits that insurance must include. Some states would be free to keep the 10 required under the ACA, cut the list, or not establish any minimum coverage. As a result, health plans in parts of the country could be sold that are skimpier and less expensive.



        本文标题:3/24/2017 奥巴马健保
