小编之前给大家整理了英语作文的各种句式,今天我要给大家分享英语学习的网站,希望能够帮助你! 如果觉得有用那就点个赞吧![作者空间]
经过一阶段的更新,四六级作文句式基本上都更新完了,所以呢,就把它们汇总了一下,戳下面蓝色字链接就可以了解哦! 四六...[作者空间]
1.We should try our best to overcome/ conquer the difficu...[作者空间]
1.The significance of...cannot be overvalued.It will…;it ...[作者空间]
1.There are many instances supporting my opinion. 有许多例子可以...[作者空间]
1.There are probably three/many/several/a varieties of re...[作者空间]
1.The first graph shows us…,while the other shows that… 第...[作者空间]
各位昨天儿童节过得咋样啊? 今天距离英语四六级考试只剩半个月了,你准备好(裸)了(考)吗?今天呢,我就和大家一起分...[作者空间]
1.But if... 但如果….… 2.But that's only part of the story/ e...[作者空间]
1.The advantages gained in...outweigh /are much greater t...[作者空间]
1.To understand the truth of...,it is necessary to analyz...[作者空间]
1.in general(on the whole,generally) 总的说来 2.in brief( in ...[作者空间]
27.Though it has brought mankind merits,some undesirable ...[作者空间]
1.firstly(first,in the first place,first of all,to begin ...[作者空间]
票贩子ticket scalper;ticket tout 人才流动brain flow 人才流失brain dr...[作者空间]
21.There is a public (general, heated, impassioned)debate...[作者空间]
1.at present (currenty,lately,recently, nowadays,these ye...[作者空间]
以人为本people oriented;people foremost 舆论导向direction of publ...[作者空间]
一、音的浊化(Sound Voicing) 英语国际音标( IPA) 26 个辅音中,包含了6 个爆破音即:/k...[作者空间]