Inheritance (继承)

作者: 金旭峰 | 来源:发表于2017-01-18 11:33 被阅读11次

A class caninheritmethods, properties, and other characteristics from another class. When one class inherits from another, the inheriting class is known as asubclass, and the class it inherits from is known as itssuperclass. Inheritance is a fundamental behavior that differentiates classes from other types in Swift.

一个类可以继承另一个类的方法,属性和其它特性。当一个类继承其它类时,继承类叫子类,被继承类叫超类(或父类)。在 Swift 中,继承是区分「类」与其它类型的一个基本特征。

Classes in Swift can call and access methods, properties, and subscripts belonging to their superclass and can provide their own overriding versions of those methods, properties, and subscripts to refine or modify their behavior. Swift helps to ensure your overrides are correct by checking that the override definition has a matching superclass definition.

在 Swift 中,类可以调用和访问超类的方法,属性和下标,并且可以重写这些方法,属性和下标来优化或修改它们的行为。Swift 会检查你的重写定义在超类中是否有匹配的定义,以此确保你的重写行为是正确的。

Classes can also add property observers to inherited properties in order to be notified when the value of a property changes. Property observers can be added to any property, regardless of whether it was originally defined as a stored or computed property.


Defining a Base Class (定义一个基类)

Any class that does not inherit from another class is known as abase class.



Swift classes do not inherit from a universal base class. Classes you define without specifying a superclass automatically become base classes for you to build upon.

Swift 中的类并不是从一个通用的基类继承而来。如果你不为你定义的类指定一个超类的话,这个类就自动成为基类。

The example below defines a base class calledVehicle. This base class defines a stored property calledcurrentSpeed, with a default value of0.0(inferring a property type ofDouble). ThecurrentSpeedproperty’s value is used by a read-only computedStringproperty calleddescriptionto create a description of the vehicle.


TheVehiclebase class also defines a method calledmakeNoise. This method does not actually do anything for a baseVehicleinstance, but will be customized by subclasses ofVehiclelater on:


class Vehicle{

    var currentSpeed=0.0

    var description:String{

    return "traveling at\(currentSpeed)miles per hour"


func makeNoise() {

    // do nothing - an arbitrary vehicle doesn't necessarily make a noise

   // 什么也不做-因为车辆不一定会有噪音



You create a new instance ofVehiclewithinitializer syntax, which is written as aTypeNamefollowed by empty parentheses:


let someVehicle=Vehicle()

Having created a newVehicleinstance, you can access itsdescriptionproperty to print a human-readable description of the vehicle’s current speed:



// Vehicle: traveling at 0.0 miles per hour

TheVehicleclass defines common characteristics for an arbitrary vehicle, but is not much use in itself. To make it more useful, you need to refine it to describe more specific kinds of vehicles.


Subclassing (子类生成)

Subclassingis the act of basing a new class on an existing class. The subclass inherits characteristics from the existing class, which you can then refine. You can also add new characteristics to the subclass.


To indicate that a subclass has a superclass, write the subclass name before the superclass name, separated by a colon:


class SomeSubclass:SomeSuperclass{

    // subclass definition goes here


The following example defines a subclass calledBicycle, with a superclass ofVehicle:


class Bicycle:Vehicle{

    var hasBasket=false


The newBicycleclass automatically gains all of the characteristics ofVehicle, such as itscurrentSpeedanddescriptionproperties and itsmakeNoise()method.


In addition to the characteristics it inherits, theBicycleclass defines a new stored property,hasBasket, with a default value offalse(inferring a type ofBoolfor the property).


By default, any newBicycleinstance you create will not have a basket. You can set thehasBasketproperty totruefor a particularBicycleinstance after that instance is created:


let bicycle=Bicycle()


You can also modify the inherited current Speed property of a Bicycle instance, and query the instance’s inherited description property:




// Bicycle: traveling at 15.0 miles per hour

Subclasses can themselves be subclassed. The next example creates a subclass ofBicyclefor a two-seater bicycle known as a “tandem”:



    var currentNumberOfPassengers=0


Tandeminherits all of the properties and methods fromBicycle, which in turn inherits all of the properties and methods fromVehicle. TheTandemsubclass also adds a new stored property calledcurrentNumberOfPassengers, with a default value of0.


If you create an instance ofTandem, you can work with any of its new and inherited properties, and query the read-onlydescriptionproperty it inherits fromVehicle:


let tandem=Tandem()





// Tandem: traveling at 22.0 miles per hour

Overriding (重写)

A subclass can provide its own custom implementation of an instance method, type method, instance property, type property, or subscript that it would otherwise inherit from a superclass. This is known asoverriding.


To override a characteristic that would otherwise be inherited, you prefix your overriding definition with theoverridekeyword. Doing so clarifies that you intend to provide an override and have not provided a matching definition by mistake. Overriding by accident can cause unexpected behavior, and any overrides without theoverridekeyword are diagnosed as an error when your code is compiled.


Theoverridekeyword also prompts the Swift compiler to check that your overriding class’s superclass (or one of its parents) has a declaration that matches the one you provided for the override. This check ensures that your overriding definition is correct.

override关键字会提醒 Swift 编译器去检查该类的超类(或其中一个父类)是否有匹配重写版本的声明。这个检查可以确保你的重写定义是正确的。

Accessing Superclass Methods, Properties, and Subscripts (访问超类的方法,属性及下标)

When you provide a method, property, or subscript override for a subclass, it is sometimes useful to use the existing superclass implementation as part of your override. For example, you can refine the behavior of that existing implementation, or store a modified value in an existing inherited variable.


Where this is appropriate, you access the superclass version of a method, property, or subscript by using thesuperprefix:


1. An overridden method namedsomeMethod()can call the superclass version ofsomeMethod()by callingsuper.someMethod()within the overriding method implementation.


2. An overridden property calledsomePropertycan access the superclass version ofsomePropertyassuper.somePropertywithin the overriding getter or setter implementation.

在属性someProperty的 getter 或 setter 的重写实现中,可以通过super.someProperty来访问超类版本的someProperty属性。

3. An overridden subscript forsomeIndexcan access the superclass version of the same subscript assuper[someIndex]from within the overriding subscript implementation.


Overriding Methods (重写方法)

You can override an inherited instance or type method to provide a tailored or alternative implementation of the method within your subclass.


The following example defines a new subclass ofVehiclecalledTrain, which overrides themakeNoise()method thatTraininherits fromVehicle:


class Train:Vehicle{

override func makeNoise() {

    print("Choo Choo")



If you create a new instance ofTrainand call itsmakeNoise()method, you can see that theTrainsubclass version of the method is called:


let train=Train()


// Prints "Choo Choo"

Overriding Properties (重写属性)

You can override an inherited instance or type property to provide your own custom getter and setter for that property, or to add property observers to enable the overriding property to observe when the underlying property value changes.

你可以重写继承来的实例属性或类型属性,提供自己定制的 getter 和 setter,或添加属性观察器使重写的属性可以观察属性值什么时候发生改变。

Overriding Property Getters and Setters (重写属性的setter和getter方法)

You can provide a custom getter (and setter, if appropriate) to overrideanyinherited property, regardless of whether the inherited property is implemented as a stored or computed property at source. The stored or computed nature of an inherited property is not known by a subclass—it only knows that the inherited property has a certain name and type. You must always state both the name and the type of the property you are overriding, to enable the compiler to check that your override matches a superclass property with the same name and type.

你可以提供定制的 getter(或 setter)来重写任意继承来的属性,无论继承来的属性是存储型的还是计算型的属性。子类并不知道继承来的属性是存储型的还是计算型的,它只知道继承来的属性会有一个名字和类型。你在重写一个属性时,必需将它的名字和类型都写出来。这样才能使编译器去检查你重写的属性是与超类中同名同类型的属性相匹配的。

You can present an inherited read-only property as a read-write property by providing both a getter and a setter in your subclass property override. You cannot, however, present an inherited read-write property as a read-only property.

你可以将一个继承来的只读属性重写为一个读写属性,只需要在重写版本的属性里提供 getter 和 setter 即可。但是,你不可以将一个继承来的读写属性重写为一个只读属性。


If you provide a setter as part of a property override, you must also provide a getter for that override. If you don’t want to modify the inherited property’s value within the overriding getter, you can simply pass through the inherited value by returningsuper.somePropertyfrom the getter, wheresomePropertyis the name of the property you are overriding.

如果你在重写属性中提供了 setter,那么你也一定要提供 getter。如果你不想在重写版本中的 getter 里修改继承来的属性值,你可以直接通过super.someProperty来返回继承来的值,其中someProperty是你要重写的属性的名字。

The following example defines a new class calledCar, which is a subclass ofVehicle. TheCarclass introduces a new stored property calledgear, with a default integer value of1. TheCarclass also overrides thedescriptionproperty it inherits fromVehicle, to provide a custom description that includes the current gear:


class Car:Vehicle{

    var gear=1

    override var description:String{

    return super.description+" in gear\(gear)"  



The override of thedescriptionproperty starts by callingsuper.description, which returns theVehicleclass’sdescriptionproperty. TheCarclass’s version ofdescriptionthen adds some extra text onto the end of this description to provide information about the current gear.


If you create an instance of theCarclass and set itsgearandcurrentSpeedproperties, you can see that itsdescriptionproperty returns the tailored description defined within theCarclass:


let car=Car()




// Car: traveling at 25.0 miles per hour in gear 3

Overriding Property Observers (重写属性观察器)

You can use property overriding to add property observers to an inherited property. This enables you to be notified when the value of an inherited property changes, regardless of how that property was originally implemented. For more information on property observers, seeProperty Observers.



You cannot add property observers to inherited constant stored properties or inherited read-only computed properties. The value of these properties cannot be set, and so it is not appropriate to provide awillSetordidSetimplementation as part of an override.


Note also that you cannot provide both an overriding setter and an overriding property observer for the same property. If you want to observe changes to a property’s value, and you are already providing a custom setter for that property, you can simply observe any value changes from within the custom setter.

此外还要注意,你不可以同时提供重写的 setter 和重写的属性观察器。如果你想观察属性值的变化,并且你已经为那个属性提供了定制的 setter,那么你在 setter 中就可以观察到任何值变化了。

The following example defines a new class calledAutomaticCar, which is a subclass ofCar. TheAutomaticCarclass represents a car with an automatic gearbox, which automatically selects an appropriate gear to use based on the current speed:


class AutomaticCar:Car{

    override var currentSpeed:Double{


    gear=Int(currentSpeed/10.0) +1




Whenever you set thecurrentSpeedproperty of anAutomaticCarinstance, the property’sdidSetobserver sets the instance’sgearproperty to an appropriate choice of gear for the new speed. Specifically, the property observer chooses a gear that is the newcurrentSpeedvalue divided by10, rounded down to the nearest integer, plus1. A speed of35.0produces a gear of4:


let automatic=AutomaticCar()



// AutomaticCar: traveling at 35.0 miles per hour in gear 4

Preventing Overrides (防止重写)

You can prevent a method, property, or subscript from being overridden by marking it asfinal. Do this by writing thefinalmodifier before the method, property, or subscript’s introducer keyword (such asfinal var,final func,final class func, andfinal subscript).

你可以通过把方法,属性或下标标记为final来防止它们被重写,只需要在声明关键字前加上final修饰符即可(例如:final var,final func,final class func,以及final subscript)。

Any attempt to override a final method, property, or subscript in a subclass is reported as a compile-time error. Methods, properties, or subscripts that you add to a class in an extension can also be marked as final within the extension’s definition.

如果你重写了带有final标记的方法,属性或下标,在编译时会报错。在类扩展中的方法,属性或下标也可以在扩展的定义里标记为 final 的。

You can mark an entire class as final by writing thefinalmodifier before theclasskeyword in its class definition (final class). Any attempt to subclass a final class is reported as a compile-time error.

你可以通过在关键字class前添加final修饰符(final class)来将整个类标记为 final 的。这样的类是不可被继承的,试图继承这样的类会导致编译报错。


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    本文标题:Inheritance (继承)
