这幅导图是我对中学高段自然地理课本“coasts”中最后一个Gateway的预习,其主题(即第一分支)是How can we manage coastal areas in a sustainable manner? ,中心图依然是一个Coastal Area的布局图(这张是我临摹课本上的一幅图,但是很显然我达不到那个画功)(海湾中的绿色色块也是临摹过来的,大概代表着草之类的东西吧)。这个Gateway内容较少,只有三个分支(大分支只有两个)。
Main Branch 1: Topic. The topic of this gateway is “How can we manage coastal areas in a sustainable manner?”.
Main Branch 2: Laws & regulations. To manage coastal areas, we can put in place laws and regulations, as well as coastal protection measures (soft and hard engineering). Laws and regulations include limiting damaging activities that interrupt the functioning of natural systems e.g. blasting coral reefs to create a channel for boats, clearing mangroves to develop fish farms, dumping waste into coastal areas or into seas, constructing facilities such as docks and marinas that replace the natural features of the coast; protecting coastal resources i.e. prevent resources from being exploited or depleted. However, sometimes the protection is strongly opposed by fishermen as their access to fishing can be denied; restricting development in areas prone to natural hazards. Many national governments and local authorities have developed management policies to deal with the threat of natural hazards in coastal areas involving a few strategies e.g. retreat, avoidance and defence.
Main Branch 3: Measures. To manage coastal areas, we can also put in place measures to protect the coast from erosion. These measures are categorized into soft engineering and hard engineering. Soft engineering measures include beach nourishment, planting vegetation and stablising dunes and encouraging coral reef growth. Hard engineering measures include seawalls, gabions, breakwaters, groynes and tetrapods.