

作者: 一只虾米菌 | 来源:发表于2021-04-29 18:16 被阅读0次

The massive sunshine put toward the window,the white house made of iron and foam seems quite fragile. Hot days,heated temperature.

A green vest is so vivid but the brown  base layer isn't fit the weather.

Short T-shirt is delight,monkey yellow isn't yield.

So this is to say,just one last dance.

Fetch the particle of moon.

It's hard to decide which room to hide inside my broken heart.

How do you do! How are you?

Not bed,just sad and fat,never in shape,a quite huge figure expanding seems never be end.

Romantic smile and smell the flora.How can I join your trip,the train toward summer.

orange juice,air-conditioner,ice cube,the flipping fan waved happily.Summer dress and barbecue fits firmly.

Have you forget me for a long period?

Why you chose  not to remember me any longer?

All I do just only fulfill the two,only left the blue sea and pale sky.One person's scarce is much better than three tangles.

For tomorrow and next day time. All I share my teen period to you,only returns into a sentence thanks for your give up.


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