2018-12-12 雅思听力005-梦3(4/4)

2018-12-12 雅思听力005-梦3(4/4)

作者: 竹杖实验室 | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 09:03 被阅读6次

What do you think of the recurring dreams? Recurring dreams are very common too. 70% of people reporting them on average.
那总做一样的梦是怎么回事? 复的梦也很常见的。平均70%的人都有过。

In most cases, recurring dreams are of a vaguely unpleasant kind and are almost certainly caused because the individual has a problem of a significant kind which he is unable to resolve in his waking life.

The solving of this problem almost always leads to the disappearance of the recurring dream. Women are more likely to have recurring dreams than men.

That's so interesting. Well, what causes people to have bizarre dreams, such as dreams about the loss of teeth? Oh, some psychologists believe that it's a memory dream, referring back to that significant period in your baby life when your teeth fell out.
只好有意思啊。那做奇怪的梦呢?比如梦到掉牙什么的。 哦,一些心理学家认为这是一种记忆的梦,跟梦到小时候换牙的阶段有关。

Another explanation is that you are suffering from low level toothache which is not enough to get through to the conscious mind but which trickles through into your dreams.

Do you believe that dreams about the future will come true? Well, dreams about the future which come true are very frequently reported though it is fair to say that scientists are very doubtful about whether these are simply coincidence or genuine peeps into the future.
你相信关于未来的梦会变成现实么? 梦成真这种事经常听说,但是科学家很怀疑这倒是真的预见还是只是巧合。

Almost 30% of people believe that they have had at least one such dream. That's so instructive. You are an expert in this field.
将近30%的人都说他们曾经至少有一次梦境成真。 受教啦。你这方面简直是专家啊。

Liz, how do you know so much about dreams?

Don't you remember that's I'm majoring in psychology?

I have done some research on the topic " Sleep and Dreams" . Thank you so much.



      本文标题:2018-12-12 雅思听力005-梦3(4/4)
