2023-12-12 Easy Steps

2023-12-12 Easy Steps

作者: 不停的追梦人 | 来源:发表于2023-12-11 09:13 被阅读0次

    Easy Steps to Getting Your Academic Life Under Control

    Rule your e-mail

    Make To-Do lists that really matter

    Create a highly-structured syllabus

    Don’t break your writing appointments

    Automate everything (grading, investing, bills, social media, exercise)

    Put 20-seconds between you and your vice

    Pre-write letters, committee tasks, and grading comments

    Every talk or poster becomes a paper

    Use Smart Phone Apps to Build Your CV (Lift, HassleBot, Evernote)

    Get a non-work life if you want to be more productive at work



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