含义很简单,就是一个字“多”,关键还需要了解它如何运用到不同的语言场景中才合适。我们来看看不同场景下 prolific 的含义。
当用来形容作家、艺术家时,prolific 的意思就是“灵感喷涌、著作等身”的感觉,
a prolific artist, writer produces many works of art, books etc;
当用来形容运动员时,prolific 的意思是“得分高手、探囊取物”的感觉,
a prolific sports player produces a lot of runs, goals etc;
当用来形容动植物时,prolific 的意思就是“枝繁叶茂、子孙满堂”的感觉,
an animal or plant that is prolific produces many babies or many other plants;
当用来形容山川大地时,prolific 的意思就是“土地肥沃、山川富饶”的感觉,
a prolific land or river produces enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants alive。
例如,spectrum 这个词的原本含义是“光谱”,引申义有“声谱、波谱、频谱”,据此可以抽象出“范围、幅度、层次”等衍生含义。
1.a complete range of opinions, people, situations etc, going from one extreme to its opposite
例句:The bill drew support from across the political spectrum.
例句:The two articles here represent opposite ends of the spectrum.
2.the set of bands of coloured light into which a beam of light separates when it is passed through a prism
这个解释就费劲,抽出主干 the set of bands of coloured light [第一个定语从句:into which a beam of light separates 一束光分离出来到which, which指 coloured light ][when it is passed through a prism 状语从句,it指 a beam of light]
这个句子用到了两个从句,但拆开都很好理解,复合在一起就有点绕,主要是找到which 和 it分别指代什么
3.a complete range of radio, sound etc waves
例如:the electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波