Top rank Winston player in OWL——

作者: Superbreak | 来源:发表于2018-06-24 15:28 被阅读72次

    The Overwatch League (abbreviated as OWL) is a professional eSports league for the video game Overwatch,developed and fully controlled by Blizzard Entertainment.And I have been collected data from season one stage two to see who is the best Winston(An hero from overwatch)player in the league.As Blizzard does not yet allow public access to the entirety of stats for the Overwatch League, I have been collecting all of the broadcasted stats by hand in an effort to organize them and get the most out of what’s accessible.

    I then averaged out their statistics in each of the following categories: Damage Blocked, Hero Damage Done, Eliminations from Overwatch League broadcasts; in addition to Total Deaths, First Kills, First Deaths, and Final Blows from Winston’s Lab(An data web about OWL).

    Average: 9,781.31, High: 10,821.42 (Iremiix), Low: 8,931.26 (Fissure)

    As a tank, one of Winston’s core roles is to block damage. Whether it’s blocking damage aimed at himself, to survive longer while in the thick of combat, or to prevent attacks from harming his teammates.

    Interestingly enough, both the highest and lowest players here are from the same team: the Los Angeles Gladiators’ previous tank, Iremiix and current tank, Fissure. While my data for Fissure does include his time playing for London, his stats have generally stayed fairly consistent - so, this seems to point at a difference in play-style rather than a difference in team.

    Average: 5,533.00, High: 6,544.87 (Fate), Low: 4,807.80 (Roshan)

    Perhaps just as important as blocking damage is dishing it out. While Winston’s damaging capabilities are less than most, it’s still important to get the most you can out of them.

    Fate and Fissure - more than any others - do just that, averaging an additional 16.40% and 12.81%, respectively, over their peers.

    Average: 18.00, High: 21.95 (Fate), Low: 13.24 (Roshan)

    The purpose of dealing damage, of course, is to eliminate the enemy team. There is definitely some correlation between the amount of damage dealt and the number of eliminations, we definitely see some discrepancies, as well.

    For example, Gamsu, who was below average in damage dealt (11th overall), is well above average (2nd overall) in eliminations. This could point at his ability to deal damage to a greater numbers of targets, or to the coordination with his teammates to finish them off.

    Average: 6.64, High: 9.51 (Roshan), Low: 4.66 (Miro)

    Killing is good, dying is bad. There is, as always, the fact that players on worse teams die more often - however, you can see that this is not always the case.

    Despite the large gaps in team record, Fragi (7.40) dies about as often as both Nomy (7.57) and Xqc (7.38). Additionally, there are also differences among players on the same team.

    Largest Difference (More Kills): 26.09% (Fissure), Largest Difference (More Deaths): 135.47% (Roshan)

    Here you can see a combined view of how each player stacks up in regards to how often they secure the first kill (on the left), and how often they result in the first death (on the right).

    Only two players, Fissure and Muma, are more likely to get a first kill than be the first death - a remarkable feat to be sure. Roshan, on the other hand, needs some help.

    Average: 5.48, High: 7.34 (Fate), Low: 3.48 (Roshan)

    So we’ve talked about assisting in eliminations, and getting the pivotal first kill, but now it’s time to see where Winston players rank in overall final blows.

    Whether it’s the case where you catch someone out of position, or are merely cleaning up kills that your teammates have all-but-finished, finalizing their death is crucial.

    Mano and Gesture, who have been relatively quiet thus far, are sandwiched in between two perennial leaders, Fate and Fissure, in this respect.

    The top four, FissureMumaGesture, and Fate seem to be a clear step above the rest. Put them in whichever order you’d like - you simply can’t go wrong with any of them. I’ll take this opportunity to say that it sure is nice seeing Fissure not sitting on a bench, anymore.

    Mano and Gamsu make up the next tier of Winston players, showing that, while they may be a notch below the very top, they both absolutely excel in the main tank role.

    Beyond the top-8, there is a clear drop-off. It can be argued whether this is due to individual performance or a lack of support from their teammates, but my guess would be that it’s a combination of both.

    Roshan, after being last in nearly-every metric, is unsurprisingly last overall. Such is life as a Shanghai Dragon.



        本文标题:Top rank Winston player in OWL——
