

作者: 赤豆冰棍 | 来源:发表于2019-01-03 11:40 被阅读0次





    // Morphological processing of land cover.  This example
    // includes spatial smoothing (neighborhood mode) followed by
    // dilation, erosion and dilation again.  Reprojection is
    // used to force these operations to be performed at the
    // native scale of the input (rather than variable pixel
    // sizes based on zoom level).
    // Force projection of 500 meters/pixel, which is the native MODIS resolution.
    var SCALE = 500;
    // Load a 2001 MODIS land cover image.
    var image1 = ee.Image('MODIS/051/MCD12Q1/2001_01_01');
    // Select the classification band of interest.
    var image2 = image1.select(['Land_Cover_Type_1']);
    // Reproject to WGS84 to force the image to be reprojected on load.
    // This is just for display purposes, to visualize the input to
    // the following operations.  The next reproject is sufficient
    // to force the computation to occur at native scale.
    var image3 = image2.reproject('EPSG:4326', null, SCALE);
    // Smooth with a mode filter.
    var image4 = image3.focal_mode();
    // Use erosion and dilation to get rid of small islands.
    var image5 = image4.focal_max(3).focal_min(5).focal_max(3);
    // Reproject to force the operations to be performed at SCALE.
    var image6 = image5.reproject('EPSG:4326', null, SCALE);
    // Define display paramaters with appropriate colors for the MODIS
    // land cover classification image.
    var PALETTE = [
        'aec3d4', // water
        '152106', '225129', '369b47', '30eb5b', '387242', // forest
        '6a2325', 'c3aa69', 'b76031', 'd9903d', '91af40', // shrub, grass, savannah
        '111149', // wetlands
        'cdb33b', // croplands
        'cc0013', // urban
        '33280d', // crop mosaic
        'd7cdcc', // snow and ice
        'f7e084', // barren
        '6f6f6f'  // tundra
    var vis_params = {min: 0, max: 17, palette: PALETTE};
    // Display each step of the computation.
    Map.setCenter(-113.41842, 40.055489, 6);
    Map.addLayer(image2, vis_params, 'IGBP classification');
    Map.addLayer(image3, vis_params, 'Reprojected');
    Map.addLayer(image4, vis_params, 'Mode');
    Map.addLayer(image5, vis_params, 'Smooth');
    Map.addLayer(image6, vis_params, 'Smooth');


    1. 定义重投影像素分辨率为500,这是MODIS影像的默认大小
    2. 创建ee对象,获取MODIS数据,选择Land_Cover_Type_1波段
    3. 重投影
    4. 平滑处理
    5. 膨胀腐蚀操作,剔除细小图斑
    6. 重投影5步骤结果
    7. 添加一个色板,用于显示不同土地覆被类型
    8. 设置地图中心,缩放等级
    9. 添加形态学操作结果图层,设置显示参数


    1. ee.Image.reproject()

    Force an image to be computed in a given projection and resolution.
    this:image (Image):
    The Image to reproject.
    crs (Projection):
    The CRS to project the image to.
    crsTransform (List, default: null):
    The list of CRS transform values. This is a row-major ordering of the 3x2 transform matrix. This option is mutually exclusive with the scale option, and replaces any transform already on the projection.
    scale (Float, default: null):
    If scale is specified, then the projection is scaled by dividing the specified scale value by the nominal size of a meter in the specified projection. If scale is not specified, then the scale of the given projection will be used.
    Returns: Image


    1. ee.Image.focal_mode()
      Applies a morphological reducer() filter to each band of an image using a named or custom kernel.
      this:image (Image):
      The image to which to apply the operations.
      radius (Float, default: 1.5):
      The radius of the kernel to use.
      kernelType (String, default: "circle"):
      The type of kernel to use. Options include: 'circle', 'square', 'cross', 'plus', octagon' and 'diamond'.
      units (String, default: "pixels"):
      If a kernel is not specified, this determines whether the kernel is in meters or pixels.
      iterations (Integer, default: 1):
      The number of times to apply the given kernel.
      kernel (Kernel, default: null):
      A custom kernel. If used, kernelType and radius are ignored.
      Returns: Image


    1. ee.Image.focal_max();ee.Image.focal_min()
      Applies a morphological reducer() filter to each band of an image using a named or custom kernel.
      this:image (Image):
      The image to which to apply the operations.
      radius (Float, default: 1.5):
      The radius of the kernel to use.
      kernelType (String, default: "circle"):
      The type of kernel to use. Options include: 'circle', 'square', 'cross', 'plus', octagon' and 'diamond'.
      units (String, default: "pixels"):
      If a kernel is not specified, this determines whether the kernel is in meters or pixels.
      iterations (Integer, default: 1):
      The number of times to apply the given kernel.
      kernel (Kernel, default: null):
      A custom kernel. If used, kernelType and radius are ignored.
      Returns: Image

    本例中,var image5 = image4.focal_max(3).focal_min(5).focal_max(3);

    1. ee.List.join()
      Returns a string containing the elements of the list joined together with the specified separator between elements.
      this:list (List)
      separator (String, default: "")
      Returns: String




