Center-pivot Irrigation,翻译为中心枢纽灌溉,是一种以圆心为供水点,使用灌溉支架绕中心旋转实现大面积灌溉的农业设施。因此,使用此类设备的农田一般呈圆形,聚集分布。
// Center-pivot Irrigation Detector.
// Finds circles that are 500m in radius.
Map.setCenter(-106.06, 37.71, 12);
// A nice NDVI palette.
var palette = [
'FFFFFF', 'CE7E45', 'DF923D', 'F1B555', 'FCD163', '99B718',
'74A901', '66A000', '529400', '3E8601', '207401', '056201',
'004C00', '023B01', '012E01', '011D01', '011301'];
// Just display the image with the palette.
var image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA/LC08_034034_20170608');
var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B5','B4']);
Map.addLayer(ndvi, {min: 0, max: 1, palette: palette}, 'Landsat NDVI');
// Find the difference between convolution with circles and squares.
// This difference, in theory, will be strongest at the center of
// circles in the image. This region is filled with circular farms
// with radii on the order of 500m.
var farmSize = 500; // Radius of a farm, in meters.
var circleKernel = ee.Kernel.circle(farmSize, 'meters');
var squareKernel = ee.Kernel.square(farmSize, 'meters');
var circles = ndvi.convolve(circleKernel);
var squares = ndvi.convolve(squareKernel);
var diff = circles.subtract(squares);
// Scale by 100 and find the best fitting pixel in each neighborhood.
var diff = diff.abs().multiply(100).toByte();
var max = diff.focal_max({radius: farmSize * 1.8, units: 'meters'});
// If a pixel isn't the local max, set it to 0.
var local = diff.where(diff.neq(max), 0);
var thresh = local.gt(2);
// Here, we highlight the maximum differences as "Kernel Peaks"
// and draw them in red.
var peaks = thresh.focal_max({kernel: circleKernel});
Map.addLayer(peaks.updateMask(peaks), {palette: 'FF3737'}, 'Kernel Peaks');
// Detect the edges of the features. Discard the edges with lower intensity.
var canny = ee.Algorithms.CannyEdgeDetector(ndvi, 0);
canny = canny.gt(0.3);
// Create a "ring" kernel from two circular kernels.
var inner = ee.Kernel.circle(farmSize - 20, 'meters', false, -1);
var outer = ee.Kernel.circle(farmSize + 20, 'meters', false, 1);
var ring = outer.add(inner, true);
// Highlight the places where the feature edges best match the circle kernel.
var centers = canny.convolve(ring).gt(0.5).focal_max({kernel: circleKernel});
Map.addLayer(centers.updateMask(centers), {palette: '4285FF'}, 'Ring centers');
- 设置地图显示中心,缩放等级,定义一个色板
- 创建ee对象,获取LC08数据,使用特定波段,计算归一化植被指数(NDVI)
- 添加NDVI图层,使用定义的色板显示,名称为Landsat NDVI
- 定义农田半径500
- 定义核心,圆形,正方形,半径,边长都是500
- 分别使用两种核心,对NDVI结果进行卷积运算
- 从圆核心卷积结果中除去正方形核心卷积结果
- ...
- ee.Image.subtract()
Subtracts the second value from the first for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is the union of the input types.
this:image1 (Image):
The image from which the left operand bands are taken.
image2 (Image):
The image from which the right operand bands are taken.
Returns: Image
- ee.Image.toByte()
Casts the input value to an unsigned 8-bit integer.
this:value (Image):
The image to which the operation is applied.
Returns: Image
- ee.Image.where()
Performs conditional replacement of values.
For each pixel in each band of 'input', if the corresponding pixel in 'test' is nonzero, output the corresponding pixel in value, otherwise output the input pixel.
If at a given pixel, either test or value is masked, the input value is used. If the input is masked, nothing is done.
The output bands have the same names as the input bands. The output type of each band is the larger of the input and value types. The output image retains the metadata and footprint of the input image.
this:input (Image):
The input image.
test (Image):
The test image. The pixels of this image determines which of the input pixels is returned. If this is a single band, it is used for all bands in the input image. This may not be an array image.
value (Image):
The output value to use where test is not zero. If this is a single band, it is used for all bands in the input image.
Returns: Image
- ee.Image.neq(); ee.Image.gt();ee.Image.gte()
Returns 1 if the first value is not equal to the second for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is boolean.
this:image1 (Image):
The image from which the left operand bands are taken.
image2 (Image):
The image from which the right operand bands are taken.
Returns: Image
- ee.Kernel.circle()
Generates a circle-shaped boolean kernel.
radius (Float): The radius of the kernel to generate.
units (String, default: "pixels"): The system of measurement for the kernel ('pixels' or 'meters'). If the kernel is specified in meters, it will resize when the zoom-level is changed.
normalize (Boolean, default: true): Normalize the kernel values to sum to 1.
magnitude (Float, default: 1): Scale each value by this amount.
Returns: Kernel
- ee.Image.convolve()
Convolves each band of an image with the given kernel.
this:image (Image): The image to convolve.
kernel (Kernel): The kernel to convolve with.
Returns: Image