

作者: Tommmmm | 来源:发表于2018-10-03 11:09 被阅读0次

Describe a skill that you need long time to learn

How you would learn it
Where you can learn it
And explain why you need long time to learn

when it comes to a skill that i need long time to learn, the first comes into my mind is computer programming. It is a very useful skill.
You are able to design and produce a software, such as mobile phone application ,or just make a personal website if you are highly acquired this skill.

As for why programming require long time to learn and practice, here are some reasons may explain it.

The first point i want to begin with is that before you program on computer ,you are supposed to be equipped with sufficient computer basis knowledge, such as memory、CPU、Cache. Only if you are well equipped by these knowledge, you can understand the way code your have written work.

And the point i want to add is that problem-resolving is also essential. you must read numerous books articles to learn various algorithms. Thus you can quickly find an effective/efficient approach when confronted with problem.

resolve 解决(问题 争端 争论)
solve 解决问题 谜团等
dissolve 固体 使溶解;使分解;

various 各种各样的
numerous 许多的

effective 有效的;产生预期效果的
efficient 有效率的
effect 作用 影响

be confronted with


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