I watched all of this with a mixture of admiration, amazement, and envy. It would have been so easy for her to stay bitter, self-pitying, jaded. But instead she seemed to
become more open, more loving, more forgiving, more compassionate. And she got stronger by the day, apparently along the lines of Nietzsche: "That which does not
destroy me makes me stronger."
Suddenly it seems OK to be what I am. To have an amorphous professional life. To get involved invarious projects that move me and inspire me. To learn more about creating environments in which things
can happen. To bring people together, to network. To communicate, to make ideas known. To let it unfold and not try to force myself into a form.
What a sense of relief and freedom! Just living is OK! Being is OK, doing isn't necessarily necessary. It's a kind of allowing. Of letting go of this society's overly masculine and hyper-doing values. To work onthe whole issue of women's
spirituality, the feminine faces of
God. To settle down, to till the soil
in one place and see what will grow
The first thing that grew there was the Cancer Support Community (CSC), an organization that would eventually offer support services and education, free of charge, to over three hundred and fifty cancer patients a week.
CSC就是Treya内心想要创造的价值,Treya希望可以给病人们提供最好的支持和服务。> Our CSC felt like a more feminine approach, with less emphasis on fighting
cancer or on recovering from cancer, and more emphasis on overall quality of life during the whole process. We didn't want to set it up so people felt they failed or lost
somehow if the cancer remained, which seems to be the drawback of Harold'sapproach. When Vicky showed the materials to her friends at the Stephen Levine retreat, all of whom have recurring and metastatic cancer, their general comments were things like "I'm not sure I like the toneof this," "Could I come if my cancer didn't go away?," "What if I felt I'd
accepted my cancer and wasn't into fighting it, would I fit in there?"