今天是大师游戏第79天星期四,继续读《Grace and Grit》,这真的是一本好书~
Classical mythology refers to "a god
within," one's inner deity or guiding
spirit, also known as a genii or jinn,
the tutelary deity or genius of a
person; one's daemon or genii is also
said to be synonymous with one's fate or fortune. Treyahad not yet found her fate, her genius, her destiny, her daemon, not in its final form, anyway. I was to be a part of
that fate, but not quite the main focus
that Treya thought; I was more of a
catalyst. Her daemon, really, was her
own higher Self, and it would soon be
expressed, not in work, but in art.
最近一段时间看到很多和神灵相关的近义词,比如《道德经》里面的道,《与神对话》里面的神,《能断金刚》里面的空,《当下的力量》里面小我背后的真我,God,Spirit,Genius,Daemon,Jinn,Higher Self等等。
I, on the other hand, had found my fate, my daemon, and it was my writing. I knew exactly what I wanted to do,why I wanted to do it;I knew why I was put here, and what
I was supposed to accomplish. When
I was writing I was expressing my
own higher Self; I had no doubt or
hesitation about that at all. Two
paragraphs into the writingof my first
book, when I was twenty-three years
old, I knew I had come home, found
myself, found my purpose,found my
god. I have since never doubted it
and assume responsibility, a person also
needs to learn when and how to let
go, to surrender, to go with the flow
and not resist or fight it. Letting go
versus taking control - this is, of
course, just another version of being
versus doing, that primordial polarity
of yin and yang that assumes a
thousand different forms and is never
exhausted. It is not that yin or yang
is right, that being is better than
doing - it's a question of finding the
rightbalance, finding the natural
harmony between yin and yang that
the ancient Chinese called the Tao
Balance the will to live with the
acceptance of death. Both needed. I
need to learn that balance. I feel thatI
already accept death; I'm worried that I am not afraid to die, worried that means I might want to die. But I don't want to die; I'm just not afraid of it. I don't want to leave Ken! So I'm going to fight!
This was a
constant reminder of one of the
central tenets of Buddhism (and
mysticism in general):everything is
impermanent, everything passes,
nothing remains, nothing lasts. Only
the whole endures eternally; all parts
are doomed to death and decay.In meditative or mystical awareness,
beyond the prison of individuality, one
can taste the whole and escape the
fate of a part; one is released from
suffering and from the terror of
mortality.But in my meditation I
could not sustain that awareness for
very long; I was still a novice in
mystical practice. And although Treya
and I could often enter the whole by
a simple embrace, that too would
soon fade, as if both of our souls had
not yet grown enough to contain the
largess offered.
Ken's whole point was that coming to terms with death, accepting death, was necessary
in order for spiritual growth to occur at all. You have to die to the ego in order to awaken as Spirit. The message of the book was that the denial of death is the denial of God.