that teacher that boy

that teacher that boy

作者: 9d63b4e61909 | 来源:发表于2018-08-02 07:22 被阅读1次
that teacher that boy

When I was about eleven years old ,

firstly watching the live Musical Show by Black-and-white television,

which let me deeply fall in love with singing on the stage .

Moreover from then on I made up my mind chasing for dream.

In a accident ,

a teacher refered to future dream and asked all class students a same question ,

as be mentioned Growing up-Dream I quickly put up my right hand in air that spoken loudly "I want to be a singer in my future " .

all of students soon paid attention to me ,

using surprising eyes gazing  at me till question game time was over .

Carefully stood answer the question only like not .


that class teacher seriously look me up and down and made an unbelievable laughter .

.In few mintues ,

all class situation from a begin warmth to silent that made me Five flavors of mood.

The following ,

Isecretly sat down without anyone attentions. after that sadness and upset always rushed into my soul some time ,

although underage boy .

Of course give up dream at that moment was normal easier than a began habby .

But now ,I had It bocome my life creed and like body blood running .

Anyway my life was consist of singsing and acting .

whatever happened next ,

aim to me is quite specific .

some day I believe my dream will come true.

finally ,

thanks all people passed by and gave hands,due to importance.


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