There are different stages that should be completed when writing an essay. Completing each of these steps will help to make your essay easy to read, interesting and ensure that you answer the hidden question in your essay title.
1. Analyzing the title
2.collecting all the ideas you have
3. Drawing a diagram to show which ideas and evidence to use
4. Writing your plan
5. Writing your first draft(first try)
6. Asking for feedback on your first draft
7. Writing your final draft
Remember that as a writer, you need to be sure that your ideas are linked together in a logical way, and that other people can follow what you are trying to say. If your organisation is good, then other readers should be able to follow your ideas, even if your language is not completely accurate. Following the feedback, you may want to change some of the sections in your essay.
Feedback Sheet on organisation and ideas
Write the title here:
- Is there some general background to the title being answered?YES/NO
- Is there a thesis statement which says what the purpose of the essay is? YES/NO
1st paragraph
- Is there a paragraph leader for this paragraph? YES/NO
- Are the ideas in this paragraph supported with evidence from background knowledge? YES/NO
2nd paragraph
- Is there a paragraph leader to this paragraph? YES/NO
- Are the ideas in this paragraph supported with evidence from background knowledge? YES/NO
3rd paragraph
- Is there a paragraph leader to this paragraph? YES/NO
- Are the ideas in this paragraph supported with evidence from background knowledge? YES/NO
- Does the conclusion sum up the body paragraphs?
- Does it end with a prediction or some advice for the future?
What suggestions do you have for improving this essay?