

作者: Imshfer | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 00:22 被阅读0次

Social creature  有社会属性的生物

>>>as part of society, we have to associate with other person. It is impossible that we can live alone without others participation.

Human beings, like many animals, are social creatures.

>>be gregarious and outgoing / be very sociable 合群的,外向的

He's a gregarious and outgoing kind of person.

>>socialise with sb.  参与社交活动

Spend time with other people at a party or other place.

Means of communication  沟通方式

>>>the methods of communication like e-mail, telephone, or social media. Means 用于方式、手段意义时单复数同形

Wechat is our main means of communication

>>communication skills / interpersonal skills 人际沟通的技能

The job requires excellent communication skills.

Participate fully in...完全参与到...当中来

>>take an active part in some activities or organizations.

You should participate fully in this project or you will be despised.

>>be supportive of sb. 非常支持、配合某人

My mother is very supportive of me.

A kindred spirit  和某人志趣相投的人

>>>a person who likes the same thing as you. E.g. you have the same hobbies or characteristics

I like to be with her as we are kindred spirits.

>>is the complete opposite of sb./ sth.和某人或某事物截然相反

Annie is very ambitious while her sister is the complete opposite of her.

First impression are most lasting

>>>our first ideas of sb. /sth. count

Job interviewers judge us before we even open our mouths, and first impressions are most lasting.

>>honesty is the best policy

Nearly everyone agrees that honesty is the best policy, but sometimes we have to tell a little lie to avoid hurting other’s feelings.

Be on the same wavelength 两人意见一致

>>>completely understand the way that other person thinks. When you are arguing a thing, you understand what he means.

I don’t think I’m on the same wavelength as my tutor.

>>don’t see eye to eye with sb.

I don’t see eye to eye with my partners on many things of the project.

A fair-weather friend 不能共患难的朋友

>>>be a good friend when you are not in trouble or he/she can take advantage from you, but end up the friendship when you have problems.

Michael had a lot of money and he knew a lot of people, but most of them turned out to be fair-weather friends.

>>stab sb. in the back 背叛朋友

He was stabbed in the back when their business was in a crisis.

Console sb. at times of sorrow 在某人伤心时安慰某人

>>>try to comfort sb and make them feel better then they are in sorrow.

Nowadays many people like to keep a pet as it can console them at times of sorrow.

>>joys and sorrows 喜怒哀乐

Her new book deals with life’s joys and sorrows.

Compete on a level playing field 公平竞争

>>>to complete in a fair situation.

All of the competitors should compete on a level playing field.

>>fair and square 公平公正地

She admitted that she’d been defeated fair and square.

学习资料来自 Essential Set Phrases and Expressions for the IELTS Writing & Speaking Modules



