Godeman88(苏格兰球迷):电视竟然不直播这场比赛,而去播什么情景喜剧?我就纳闷了,看英格兰比赛明明比看喜剧好笑多了啊!(WTF why the fuck terrestrial tv plays sitcoms instead of this match, absolute no fucking sitcoms is funnier than England matches.)
Neverdoug(谢菲联球迷):看到英格兰队输球了,我才意识到这欧洲国家联赛不是什么鸡肋友谊赛,而是正儿八经的重大赛事啊!(We lost so we know that the UEFA Nations League league is as important as any other competition or just a tinpot friendlies no one gives a shit about anyway.)
Pressurevoid(英格兰球迷):我们输了球,那总得找个背锅的替罪羊吧?既然斯特林没上场,那你看让亨德森背锅怎样?(As we lose this game, we will need a scapegoat. Sterling isn´t playing, so it´s gonna be Henderson.?)
QuillRat(曼联球迷):西班牙队不接触球员就把球抢去了,这简直就是作弊!(Getting the ball and not touching the player is not a fucking cheat for spainish.)
Ox_The_Fox(利物浦球迷):阿里在场上都完全隐身了,为什么赛后评分还是能找到他?(why Alli still has a rating, he's been shockingly invisible.)
andpaper_zoe(英格兰球迷):我们不会在这国家联赛里降级吧…(We're gonna get relegated.)
wrdb2007(曼联球迷):世界杯他们喷德赫亚的时候我是不信的,直到我看见拉什福德都能进他球门…(I could hardly figure out why they criticized De Gea in World Cup until even Rashford scored a goal against him.)
astral_cowboy(巴萨球迷):现在看到帕文和梅萨,还是会感到菊花一禁…(Im still clenching my butt when seeing Pavon and Meza.)
Zapla_24(阿根廷球迷):可怜的迪巴拉,在尤文成了替补,来到国家队还是替补…(Juventus benching Dybala, now Argentina. Feel so sorry for him)
shr3dthegnarbrah(未知主队球迷):如果观众席不要在每次巴西队持球时都发出性高潮一样的叫声,那这场球还是不错的。(If the crowd could avoid voicing their orgasms every time a Brazilian cuts the ball back, that'd be great.)
Lisanne3112(未知主队球迷):自从南非世界杯后,我就基本听不见观众席上到底会有什么声音了…(tbh after the south africa WC i dont even notice loud crowds anymore.)
tree-hugger(明尼苏达球迷):美国队这防守,跟他们在2018年世界杯的表现差不多吧!(Our defense is just the same as what we did in world cup this year.)
Mad_Piplup242(利物浦球迷):美国不是没去世界杯吗?(usa did not participant WC 2018.)
tree-hugger(明尼苏达球迷):所以根本没有防守啊!(So they showed no defense.)
RecentCode(那不勒斯球迷):如果解说员每提一句“意大利没进世界杯”我就喝一杯酒的话,那现在我就得酒精中毒昏迷了!(If I took a shot for every time this commentator mentioned we missed out on the last World Cup I'd be in an alcohol-induced coma by now.)
Historynerd88(意大利球迷):这场能跟世界杯级别的球队踢平,说明我们还是有些实力的!(We are not so bad since we made a draw with a world cup team!)
Dhruvchouhan(未知主队球迷):看到门迪都能给吉鲁助攻,我终于相信门迪很牛逼了…(I believe Mendy is good as he can even make Giroud score...)
Rompskee(阿森纳球迷):像吉祖这么帅的小哥哥,怎么会有球荒呢!(Gizou is too beautiful to have long scoring droughts.)
Sneeuwjacht(荷兰球迷):要不科曼自己上场吧,肯定比布林德防守要好的…(Should we just sub Koeman in? Surely he's still better than Blind.)
Quasar_Columba(维特斯球迷):作为一支踢不进欧洲杯和世界杯的球队,咱踢世界冠军这比分也不是太傻逼吧?(For a team who didn’t qualify for euros and the World Cup, we’re not doing too shabby against the winner.)
Cee-Looow(未知主队球迷):德国队最大的问题,就是没人能射啊!(problem with Germany, nobody just shoots.)
S3baman(未知主队球迷):既然前锋都那么不给力,那不如让特尔施特根去射几脚好了…(Ter Stegen should have taken the shot there, it's clear the other forwards won't be able to score.)