MARKS & CO., Booksellers
84, Charing Cross Road
London, W.C. 2
20th October, 1951
Miss Helene Hanff
14 East 95th Street
New York 28, New York
Dear Miss Hanff,
First of all, let me apologize for the
Pepys. I was honestly under the impression
that it was the complete Braybrooke edition
and I can understand how you must have felt
when you found your favorite passages
missing. I promise to look at the next
reasonably priced copy that comes along, and
if it contains the passage you mention in
your letter I will send it along.
I am glad to say I have managed to dig
out a few books for you from a private
library that we have just bought. There is
a Leigh Hunt which includes most of the
essays you like, also a Vulgate New
Testament which I hope will be O.K. I have
also included a Dictionary to the Vulgate
which you might find useful. There is also
a volume of 20th century English essays,
though it contains only one by Hilaire
Belloc and nothing to do with bathrooms.
Enclosed is our invoice for 17s 6d, or
approximately $2.50, all that is due us on
the books as you had a credit balance with
us of nearly $2.00
About the agg—I have talked to the rest
of the inmates here and we all seem to think
that the fresh ones would be nicer. As you
say, they would not last so long but they
taste so much better.
We are all hoping for better times after
the Election. If Churchill and Company get
in, as I think and hope they will, it will
cheer everyone up immensely.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Frank Doel
17s 6d,17先令6便士
Churchill 丘吉尔,英国首相
£ 英镑符号,£1/17/6表示1英镑17先令6便士
/8/ 英国货币先令的表示方法,表示8先令。
