大家好,我是小燕同学,今天为大家介绍一篇关于中药天然产物羌活醇治疗RA的文章,题目为“The Natural Compound Notopterol Binds and Targets JAK2/3 to Ameliorate Inflammation and Arthritis”,该文由中国科学院王红艳研究员团队及王拥军教授团队联合在2020年9月15日发表于Cell Reports,JCR分区:Q1,IF=8.105.
·Intraperitoneal or Oral Administration of Notopterol Protects Both DBA/1J and C57/BL6 Mice from Collagen-Induced Arthritis
·Notopterol Inhibits Production of Multiple Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines inTNF-a and Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-Treated Macrophages
·Notopterol Inhibits JAK-STAT Activation to Attenuate Inflammation
·Notopterol Directly Binds JAK2 and JAK3 to Block LPS/IFN-γ and TNF-a-Induced Inflammation
·Notopterol Binds to the 932/980/981 Sites in the Kinase Domain of JAK2
·Combinationof Notopterol with TNF Blocker (Etanercept) Enhances Therapeutic Efficacy in CIA Mice