

作者: 医科研 | 来源:发表于2020-03-17 23:23 被阅读0次

英国政府宣布 “群体免疫”后,一片哗然,数百名在英国的科学家联名公开信原文,截止发稿前已有500多名科学家签名。公开信原文如下:

Public request to take stronger measures of social distancing across the UK with immediate effect

​ 14th March 2020
​ (last update: 16th March 2020, 15:00)
As scientists living and working in the UK, we would like to express our concern about the course of action announced by the Government on 12th March 2020 regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. In particular, we are deeply preoccupied by the timeline of the proposed plan, which aims at delaying social distancing measures even further.

​ The current data about the number of infections in the UK is in line with the growth curves already observed in other countries, including Italy, Spain, France, and Germany [1]. The same data suggests that the number of infected will be in the order of dozens of thousands within a few days.

​ Under unconstrained growth, this outbreak will affect millions of people in the next few weeks. This will most probably put the NHS at serious risk of not being able to cope with the ow of patients needing intensive care, as the number of ICU beds in the UK is not larger than that available in other neighbouring
countries with a similar population [2]. Going for \herd immunity" at this point does not seem a viable option, as this will put NHS at an even stronger level of stress, risking many more lives than necessary.

​ By putting in place social distancing measures now, the growth can be slowed down dramatically, and thousands of lives can be spared. We consider the social distancing measures taken as of today as insuffcient, and we believe that additional and more restrictive measures should be taken immediately, as it is already happening in other countries across the world.

We urge anyone who has sympathy with our views, and access to the government strategy group, to make our concerns more widely known.

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