2020-04-25-Wuyuan County(江西婺源)

2020-04-25-Wuyuan County(江西婺源)

作者: 我的梦想就是不工作MD | 来源:发表于2020-04-25 00:06 被阅读0次

Ancient Charm of China: Wuyuan County


This episode of "Ancient Charm of China" takes you to east China's Jiangxi Province to catch a glimpse

of "the most beautiful countryside in China."

Established during the Tang Dynasty(618-907), Wuyuan County, in the city of Shangrao, boasts a history of

over 1000 years.


Because of its remote location, Wuyuan has maintained its original features for decades in terms of

its natural environment, traditional lifestyle, ancient customs and typical Hui-style architecture.

Wuyuan County in Shangrao CIty, east China's Jiangxi Province.

Hui is short for Huizhou, a historial region in southeastern China, now located in Huangshan City in Anhui Province.

Hhuizhou consisted of six counties and Wuyuan was one of them.

Hui-style architecture, one of  the major ancient Chinese  architectural styles, is typically built with black

tiles and white walls along with artistic  decorations made of bricks, stons and wood.

Wuyuan County houses numerous structures built with Hui-style architecture.

In a well-off residential house, you'll find elaborate carvings on the beams, windows, pillars, doors

and even walls that embody elegance and magnificence.

well-off adj 富裕的,顺利的

elaborate adj 精心制作的,详尽的,vt 精心制作

beam n 横梁,vt 发送, vi 照射

embody vt 体现,使具体化

elegance n 典雅,高雅

magnificence n 壮丽,宏伟,富丽堂皇

An ancient  street in one of the old villages in Wuyuan.

When spring comes, a sea of blooming rapeseed  flowers and boundless terraced fields impart more

charm to the ancient town.

That's when numerous tourists flock to the place to feel the tranquility  and appreciate the beauty of the

terraced fields, green hills, and karst caves dotted with winding streams.

rapeseed n 油菜籽

boundless adj 无限的,无边无际的

terraced adj 阶地的,有平台的,梯田

impart vt 给予,传授,告知

flock vt 聚集,成群而行

tranquility n 宁静,平静

karst n 喀斯特地貌

dotted adj 有斑点的,星罗棋布的,点缀。

Rapeseed flowers in full bloom in spring.

There are three major tour routes, namely the East Line, North Line and West Line.

The East Line features beautiful ancient villages, including Jiangling Village and Huangling Village that

offer picturesque views of rapeseed flowers in spring.

The North Line leads you to Qinghua Town where you can see the Rainbow Bridge and Wolong Valley.

picturesque adj 独特的,生动的,别致的

The Rainbow Bridge in Qinghua Town.

Along the West Line, you'll enjoy more secluded scenery as well as the Jinshan Ecological Tea Garden

where you can enjoy a pot of locally-sourced freshly-brewed tea.

secluded adj 隐蔽的,隐居的,隔绝的

ecological adj 生态的,生态学

brewed v 酿造,泡茶,n 啤酒,一杯茶

Travel tips:

1. Wuyuan is visitor-friendly year-round, with spring the best season,  to visit to appreciate the famed sea of golden rapeseed flowers.

2. Don't forget to try Hu Tofu, a local dish that will leave you with a taste of mildness and smoothness.

3. After the completion of the Hefei-Fuzhou high-speed railway in 2015, it is much easier to get to Wuyuan. It is recommended to take the bullet train to Wuyuan Railway Station and then take a bus or taxi to your destination.

(Video edited by Chen Shi; cover image by Yu Peng)







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    本文标题:2020-04-25-Wuyuan County(江西婺源)
