2020-04-26- Zhouzhuang(苏州周庄)

2020-04-26- Zhouzhuang(苏州周庄)

作者: 我的梦想就是不工作MD | 来源:发表于2020-04-27 23:16 被阅读0次

Ancient Charm of China: Zhouzhuang


This episode of "Ancient Charm of China" takes us to "No.1 Water Town in China" - Zhouzhuang.

The ancient town in Kunshan, Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, gives a glimpse of a different China

that is hardly ever seen in cities.

The first keyword of this town is water. Known for its canals, ponds and lakes, Zhouzhuang boasts elegant

watery views that are dotted with stone bridges,


Among them ,Twin Bridge, or Shuang Qiao in Mandarin, is one of the most popular spots for photos.

Made up of Shide Bridge and Yongan Bridge, the twol halves of Twin Bridge come in different shapes, one

round and other square.

ponds n 池塘,v 堵成池

elegant adj 高雅的,优雅的,讲究的

spots n 地点,斑点

halves n 两等分,


Twin Bridge is one of the most popular spots in Zhouzhuang, Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province。

But Zhouzhuang is not just about water. It is also home to ancient Chinese architecture that has existed for over 900 years,with many residential houses built in the MIng and Qing dynasties(1368-1911).

Restaurants and shops in ancient architectural styles line the river.

When visiting this town, there is one person who cannot be avoided.

ShenWansan, who used to be one of the richest men in the area south of the Yangtze River, started his

business right here taking advantage of the water resources.

In Shen's House, built by one of his descendants, the original style and exquisite carved decorations have

been preserved,

It gives an idea of how a weill-off family lived in the past.

descendant n 后裔,子孙

exquisite adj 精致的,细腻的,优美的

An ancient Chinese-style lamp in Zhang's House, the residence of a rich family back in the old days.

Shen's House and Zhang's House are both popular with tourists.

In Zhouzhuang, one can enjoy a leisurely stroll around the ancient alleys, take a boat ride on

the canals and lakes, and visit historical residential houses.

For those who live in nearby cities like Shanghai, it is definitely a good choice for a weekend gateway.

leisurely adj 悠闲的,从容的

Zhouzhuang, Suzhou east China's Jiangsu Province.

Local delicacies 本地美食,佳肴

Wansan Eight Bowls, names after Shen Wansan, is a set of eight dishes that were served to distinguished guests

during annual festivals in the past.

The best known is probably Wansan Pork Shank, which was favored by Shen himself.

Another must-try dish is Aozao noodles, which features quick-fry fish and slender noodles in a rich soup.

It is regarded as one of the top 10 noodle dishes in China.

distinguished adj 卓越的,著名的,高贵的

shank n 小腿 pork shank 猪蹄膀

Travel tips

Visitors to Zhouzhuang need to purchase an entrance ticket that costs 100 yuan (14.8 U.S. dollars) per person. Boat rides are not included in the price. 

From Shanghai by car, it's about a one-and-a-half-hour drive. Another way to reach Zhouzhuang is to take the bullet train to Kunshan Station and then transfer to a bus for the rest of the way. 


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    本文标题:2020-04-26- Zhouzhuang(苏州周庄)
