How did Nazis in World War II identify Jews?
作者Celia C.S. Friedman
ADDED As per comments, I am providing some clarification.
Other responders have done an excellent job of covering various aspects of this issue. I will mention one aspect that has not yet been covered,
The Nazis were obsessed with the concept of identifying physical features of the Master Race, as well as races they considered inferior such as Jews and Gypsies, and exhaustively catalogued information such as facial measurements and skin and eye color to identify such. The Holocaust Museum in DC has a set of glass eyes that were used to identify race by eye color, like this.

My father once worked with a Jew whose family had escaped Germany during WWII. The man had blond hair and blue eyes. He told the story of how when he was a schoolchild, Nazis had come into his class to teach children how to identify Jews. They chose him as a prime example of Aryan features and called him up to the front of the class. Many children in the class knew that he was Jewish, but they also knew that if they said something, or even sniggered, he would be taken away. So they all watched deadpan as the Nazi brought out measuring instruments and eye color samples and proceeded to demonstrate how this Jewish boy was a textbook example of Aryan features.