「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅6 Test 3-Section 2

「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅6 Test 3-Section 2

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-27 09:24 被阅读0次




    Welcome, everybody, to the lovely house and gardens of Rosewood, once the home of the famous writer, Sebastian George. He bought the house in 1902 although he had first seen it two years earlier. At that time the owners let it out to a tenant because George was too slow making up his mind to buy it. When it came back on the market, there was no hesitation and he bought it immediately, for £9,300, even though the house had no bathroom, no running water upstairs, and no electricity.欢迎大家来到玫瑰园林别墅花园,这里曾经是著名作家塞班斯蒂安乔治的家。他于1902年买下了这座别墅,尽管他第一次看到这座别墅是在两年前。在那个时候这座房子的房东把房子租给了一个租户,因为乔治当时迟迟未决是否买房。当这座房子再次回到市场中的时候,乔治毫不犹豫的立刻把它买下来,花费了9300英镑,即便这座房子没有浴室,楼上也没有自来水,甚至还没有电。

    When he came here, he'd been married for ten years. During that time, he'd become one of the most famous writers in the English-speaking world. His professional success was enormous, but his personal life wasn't as successful. He was no longer on speaking terms with his brother and had been devastated by the death at the age of seven of his elder daughter Josephine.当他来到这里时他已经结婚10年之久了。这期间他成为了英语世界最著名的作家之一。他造诣上的成就是巨大的,但他的个人生活却不是那么成功。不但同他的兄弟绝交,而且他7岁的大女儿约瑟芬的离世带也给他精神上巨大的打击。

    Moving to Rosewood allowed the family to start a new life. George regarded Rosewood as a pure example of a traditional country house of this part of England and did some of his most successful writing here. The house and its grounds became the family haven and their escape to privacy and quiet. The walls, and the mullioned windows were built of the local sandstone, the tiles on the roofs and the bricks of the chimney suck were baked from local clay, and the wooden structures inside came from oak trees which grow around here.搬到玫瑰园使得这个家庭开始了崭新的生活。乔治认为玫瑰园在英格兰的这一带地区来说是极典型的乡村别墅代表,而且他在这里完成了很多他最成功的作品。这座房子以及周边的场地变成了这个家庭的天堂,使得他们能够逃离到私有的、安静的环境当中。房子的墙壁以及竖框的大窗子都是用当地的砂岩建造的,房顶用的瓦片以及造烟囱用的砖头也是用当地的粘土烘制而成,甚至连屋子内部的木结构都是用附近的橡树打造出来的。

    Now, please look at the map I've given you of the house and gardens. We're here at the Information Centre. Follow the path marked with the arrow and the first area you come to is the orchard on your left.现在大家看看我给你们的这个房子和花园的地图。我们现在是在信息中心这里。沿着这个标有箭头的小路走,你们会看到的第一个区域是果园,在你们的左侧。

    As you go further down the path, there's the kitchen garden on the right and as you go round the first sharp comer you will find, to your left, an area where different types of pear tree have been planted as well as some lovely flowers, and this is known as Pear Alley -designed by George himself.沿着这条小路再往远走会有一个厨房花园在你们的右侧,然后当你走到第一个拐弯处的时候,在你们的左侧你会看到一个地方种满了不同种类的梨树,同时还有很多美丽的花朵,这里就是所谓的梨园了,这是乔治自己设计的。

    Next to this is the greenhouse where some exotic plants and fruits are grown. Follow the path round the second comer and on your right you will see the entrance to the Mulberry Garden with its 500-ycar-old tree. Past the Mulberry Garden, follow the path until you reach the front of the house. I suggest you spend a good hour wandering around this lovely building. A guide takes visitor groups round every two hours.紧挨着的是温室,这里种的是一些异国的蔬菜水果。在沿着小路走到第二个拐角在你们的右侧你们会看见莫布利花园的入口,这里有500年树龄的树木。经过这个莫布利花园,沿着小路再一直走到房子的门前。我建议你们可以好好花一些时间在这个房子周围漫步,每两小时都会有一个导游带游客团参观讲解这里

    If you would like to purchase any of George's books or other souvenirs, then leave the house by the side entrance, where you will find our shop, which is situated between the house and the garage which contains the magnificent old Rolls-Royce car which used to belong to George. I expect by this time you may also be in need of a rest and some refreshment. Most visitors are, so why don't you visit the tea room on the far side of the garage?如果你想购买乔治的书籍或者其他纪念品的话,你们可以从房子的侧门出去,那里你们会看见一个商店,位于房子和车库之间,车库里还停有一辆庞大的古董劳斯莱斯汽车,过去是属于乔治的。我估计那个时候你们可能会需要休息一会儿吃点东西什么的。大部分游客是这样的,所以你们完全可以去车库另一边的茶餐厅休息会儿。

    If you have time, there is a lovely walk down towards the River Dudwell. For me, this is the best part of the estate. This isn't on the map but it is all clearly signposted. You cross the field which spreads along the banks of the river. In spring, this area is well worth a visit. Spend a minute or two watching the water pass by underneath as you cross the footbridge, and then continue along the River Walk through the woodland. On a hot summer's day the trees along this path provide welcome shade. Eventually you come to the water mill which used to provide the electricity for the house - only about four hours every evening - in George's time. And, finally, for those of you who would like to see stunning views of the surrounding countryside and who are a little bit more energetic, when you return from the mill take the first turning on your left and climb up to the viewpoint.You won't regret it.Enjoy your visit!如果你们还有时间的话,那边还有一条小路可以走到达德威尔河。我认为那里是这个房产最精彩的部分了。地图上没有,不过那边都有明确的指示牌。你们可以穿过河畔这片广阔的区域。尤其是春天的时候特别值得去看看。花上一两分钟时间站在小桥上看着脚下的河水经流而过,然后继续沿着河穿过那片小树林。在炎热的夏季这条路两侧的树能很好的遮阴。然后你们会走到那个水磨坊,给这个房子提供电力的地方,虽然在乔治那个时候每天晚上只能提供大约四小时的电吧。最后呢,对于那些想要观赏周边乡村迷人风景的游客来说,如果还有些体力的话,你们可以在从水磨坊回来路上的第一个路口往左走上一个观景点一定不会让你们失望。好好享受你们的行程吧!



        本文标题:「雅思听力-旅游」剑雅6 Test 3-Section 2
