Day 8 - B19560 - Agenda

Day 8 - B19560 - Agenda

作者: 苦练英语的猴子 | 来源:发表于2017-04-10 23:36 被阅读0次

    ABC Company Challenge Event Agenda

    Day 1

    8:00-900 Breakfast

    9:00-9:20  Welcome and Introduction

    -Yao Li, CEO of ABC Company, giving a short welcome speech to all. (10 min)

    -Ni, Liao, Director of the Aurora Project, introducing why and how the event is held. (10min)

    9:20-11:50 Group Discussion I

    -Mechanic Team Discussion. (Room 103, 2h 30min)

    -Electronic Team Discussion. (Room 105, 2h 30min) 

    11:50-13:30 Lunch

    13:30-17:30 Group Discussion II

    -Software Team Discussion. (Room 103, 2h)

    -Structure Design Team Discussion. (Room 103, 2h)

    Day 2

    8:00-9:00 Breakfast

    9:00-11:50 Group Project Preparation

    -all teams together, brain storming with a viable plan for any one out of three given projects.(Room 109, 1h 20min)

    -Project Preparation. (1h 30min)

    11:50-13:30 Lunch

    13:30-17:30 Group Project Implementation

    -Solution Implementation. (Room 109, 4h)



          本文标题:Day 8 - B19560 - Agenda
