

作者: 剑桥西路 | 来源:发表于2019-11-07 18:10 被阅读0次






Welcome back to English with Lucy. Today I have a spoken English class for you, I have got eight tips that will help you to master spoken English.

欢迎回到Lucy的英语频道。今天咱们来聊聊口语,这儿有8个小窍门 帮你一键提升英语口语。

My first tip is to get to know the parts of your body that you use while speaking English. This might sound a little odd, but trust me on this one.

第一 开口说英文时,充分意识自己的肢体变化。听起来可能有点怪,但是相信我。

If you don't understand which parts of your face, tongue, and throat are used when speaking English, then how will you ever be able to correct your pronunciation mistakes?


Watch yourself in the mirror while speaking English is a common tip that many teachers give. However, I think you should go one step further than this.


You absolutely need to analyse what your lips, tongue, throat, face in general is doing when you speak English. You need to find a close-up video, a zoomed in video of a native speaker, or a speaker that you admire speaking in English.


You then need to record yourself up close preferably at the same distance speaking the same sentence. Analyse the way your lips move in comparison to their lips.


Analyse how far they stick their tongue out or maybe they push it right back in their mouth. What are you doing with your tongue?


Tip number two is to combine reading and listening thus improving your pronunciation. Perhaps you will know by now that a way a word is written in English normally gives very little indication, as to how that word is pronounced in English.


In many languages across the world the way a word is written tells you and shows you exactly how that word should be spoken. Take a book that you have already read in English or a book that you would like to read in English.


And read that book again, but here's the important part whilst listening to the audio book version. Tip number three is another reading one, but it's practise speed reading.


This isn't such a common technique, but I think it should be. It's a really good way of improving your fluency, so how fluently you speak English, your velocity, so that's how quickly you speak English.


And also it will help with your connected speech, how you join one word to another or one sound to another in English. Read the text aloud, and time yourself as you're reading it.


Tip number four is a tip that has been massively important for me as a native speaker. So I can only imagine how important it could be for you. It is to prepare your monologues and stories that you are likely to repeat in advance.


I'm talking funny stories you want to tell at a dinner party. I'm talking about your elevator pitch. I'm talking about your answer to what do you do for a living  or where do you come from? These common questions that you get asked again and again and again. Prepare your answer.


Tip number five is focus on pronunciation over grammar. I would say that it's much easier to understand somebody speaking with great pronunciation, but bad grammar than hearing someone speak with perfect grammar but terrible pronunciation.


I'm not talking about having a perfect accent. You don't need a perfect accent. You just need to be clear and understandable when you speak. It will make you feel more confident.


Tip number six is to try and think in English. If you want to be able to speak English fluently without even thinking then you need to train yourself to think in English.


A good way to start doing this is to have a little English narrator in your head have your little chosen person, Emma Watson or whoever it is have your little chosen person, Emma Watson or whoever it is.


Another point, still related to the topic of thinking in English is to be constantly on the search for new words new phrases, a new vocabulary. Keep a note app on your phone or a physical vocab book.


Number seven, this tip is very helpful because I know a lot of you just want to learn one specific accent. Well this tip is speak with a variety of native speakers who all have different accents.


The wider the variety of people that you speak with the more flexible your brain will be when it comes to understanding speech.


And number eight, if you cannot find native speakers with whom to practise then just find like-minded people for finding like-minded people, and for helping each other out.


If you have a question about English, if you want someone to analyse the way you speak. Right, that is the end of my lesson. Those are the eight tips for spoken English.



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