Table of Contents
1. 背景

2. Indexer结构说明
(2)Index,IndexKeys,ListIndexFuncValues,ByIndex,GetIndexers,AddIndexers 等和操作索引有关的函数
// IndexFunc knows how to provide an indexed value for an object.
type IndexFunc func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error)
// Index maps the indexed value to a set of keys in the store that match on that value
type Index map[string]sets.String
// Indexers maps a name to a IndexFunc
type Indexers map[string]IndexFunc
// Indices maps a name to an Index
type Indices map[string]Index
// Indexer接口是为了添加或者查询索引用的。当前可能一下子看注释很迷惑,先看看后面的例子就清楚了
type Indexer interface {
// 通过indexName获得索引函数,然后obj(pod)对象作为函数输入,输出所有检索值。然后找出来所有包含检索值的对象(pod)
// 举例pod1 通过byuser这个函数,检索出来有ernie,bert两个检索值
// 然后Index("byuser",pod1) 会输出pod1, pod2(包含bert),pod3(包含ernie)
// Retrieve list of objects that match on the named indexing function
Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
// 通过索引函数的名字(byUser)+具体的值(bert),获得pod的名字(ns/podName)
// IndexKeys returns the set of keys that match on the named indexing function.
IndexKeys(indexName, indexKey string) ([]string, error)
// 通过索引函数的名字(byUser), 获得所有的索引值。这里输入byuser, 输出:ernie, bert, elmo, oscar
// ListIndexFuncValues returns the list of generated values of an Index func
ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string
// 通过索引函数的名字(byUser)+具体的值(bert),获得pod对象
// ByIndex lists object that match on the named indexing function with the exact key
ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error)
// 返回所有的索引函数
// GetIndexer return the indexers
GetIndexers() Indexers
// AddIndexers adds more indexers to this store. If you call this after you already have data
// in the store, the results are undefined.
// 添加 索引函数。每个索引函数都有一个唯一的名字,那就是 indexName
AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error
Store是一个存储的接口,后面结合具体存储实现再讲。这里先讲一下 Index, Indexers, Indices的关系。
Index: 索引表。 map结构,key索引值, value是对象名(初始化Indexer的时候需要指定,默认是ns+metadata.name表示一个对象)
Indexers:索引函数表。 map结构,索引函数可以有多个,所以每个索引函数需要起一个名字来表示。map的key是一个索引函数的名称,value是一个个的索引函数。
3 store结构说明
// Store is a generic object storage interface. Reflector knows how to watch a server
// and update a store. A generic store is provided, which allows Reflector to be used
// as a local caching system, and an LRU store, which allows Reflector to work like a
// queue of items yet to be processed.
// Store makes no assumptions about stored object identity; it is the responsibility
// of a Store implementation to provide a mechanism to correctly key objects and to
// define the contract for obtaining objects by some arbitrary key type.
type Store interface {
Add(obj interface{}) error //往存储增加,更新,删除元素
Update(obj interface{}) error
Delete(obj interface{}) error
List() []interface{}
ListKeys() []string
Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
// Replace will delete the contents of the store, using instead the
// given list. Store takes ownership of the list, you should not reference
// it after calling this function.
Replace([]interface{}, string) error
Resync() error
4. cache
4.1 cache结构说明
cache结构体本身只有 cacheStorage + keyFunc两个元素。
// cache responsibilities are limited to:
// 1. Computing keys for objects via keyFunc
// 2. Invoking methods of a ThreadSafeStorage interface
type cache struct {
// cacheStorage bears the burden of thread safety for the cache
cacheStorage ThreadSafeStore
// keyFunc is used to make the key for objects stored in and retrieved from items, and
// should be deterministic.
keyFunc KeyFunc
keyFunc 就是如何通过一个 String 定位到一个对象(例如pod)
查看 中的函数定义。
可以发现 cache即实现了 indexer的所有函数,又实现了store的所有函数。但是cache结构的所有方法都是调用了成员变量cacheStorage的方法。如下:
// Add inserts an item into the cache.
func (c *cache) Add(obj interface{}) error {
key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
if err != nil {
return KeyError{obj, err}
c.cacheStorage.Add(key, obj)
return nil
才是真正实现了 缓存+索引 功能的结构体。
4.2 ThreadSafeStore结构说明
ThreadSafeStore本身就是一个接口,定义了 store + indexer的所有函数。threadSafeMap是真正的实现类。
// threadSafeMap implements ThreadSafeStore
type threadSafeMap struct {
lock sync.RWMutex
items map[string]interface{} //真正的存储,存储所有的元数据
// indexers maps a name to an IndexFunc
indexers Indexers
// indices maps a name to an Index
indices Indices
4.3 举例说明
threadSafeMap的实现都非常简单。看看代码就明白了。但是结合上面对Indexer的文字描述太过于枯燥,所以这里以一个例子说明cache.indexer是如何实现 存储+索引
的。该例子来源于 具体如下:
// 1. 先定义一个IndexFunc
// testUsersIndexFunc 就是上面提到的索引函数
// 从函数的实现可以看出来。这个就是想根据 pod Annotations中users的名字做索引
func testUsersIndexFunc(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)
usersString := pod.Annotations["users"]
return strings.Split(usersString, ","), nil
// 2. 初始化一个NewIndexer
// NewIndexer必须指定一个func,这个func的作用就是KeyFunc, 能用一个string代表 pod对象。这里就是MetaNamespaceKeyFunc,用ns/name来表示一个pod
// 同时还指定一个Indexers。这个表示,当前Indexers只有一个索引函数testUsersIndexFunc,索引函数名为byUser
index := NewIndexer(MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, Indexers{"byUser": testUsersIndexFunc})
// NewIndexer returns an Indexer implemented simply with a map and a lock.
func NewIndexer(keyFunc KeyFunc, indexers Indexers) Indexer {
return &cache{
cacheStorage: NewThreadSafeStore(indexers, Indices{}),
keyFunc: keyFunc,
// 3.定义三个pod
// pod1 -> ernie,bert
// pod2 -> bert,oscar
// pod3 -> ernie,elmo
pod1 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "one", Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "ernie,bert"}}}
pod2 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "two", Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "bert,oscar"}}}
pod3 := &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "tre", Annotations: map[string]string{"users": "ernie,elmo"}}}
// 4.将三个pod放入pod
threadSafeMap.Indexers: {
"byUser": testUsersIndexFunc
threadSafeMap.Indices: {
"byUser": {
"ernie": ["one","tre"],
"bert": ["one","two"],
"oscar": ["two"],
"elmo": ["tre"],
"byUser": {
"ernie": ["one","tre"],
"bert": ["one","two"],
"oscar": ["two"],
"elmo": ["tre"],
threadSafeMap.items {
"one" : pod1,
"two" : pod2,
"tre" : pod3
所以可以看到 threadSafeMap 通过 items实现了存储,Indices + Indexers实现了索引
// 增加一个元素,处理操作items外,还要更新Indices
func (c *threadSafeMap) Add(key string, obj interface{}) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
oldObject := c.items[key]
c.items[key] = obj
c.updateIndices(oldObject, obj, key)
接下来再看看 threadSafeMap 是如何实现 索引的各个函数的。代码不在贴了,直接写输出。
// indexName就是索引函数名,obj(pod)就是pod对象。
// 该函数的功能是, 通过索引函数名,找到索引函数,在将pod作为索引函数的输入,得到所有的检索值。然后再找出来所有包含检索值的对象列表
// Index("byuser",pod1) 会输出[pod1, pod2,pod3]
// 原因:pod1通过byuser这个函数,检索出来有ernie,bert两个检索值
// pod1,pod2,pod3都包含ernie,bert之一,所有都符合条件
Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
// 该函数的功能是:通过索引函数名+索引值,得到所有的对象的名字
// 举例:IndexKeys("byUser", "bert")的输出是: ["one","two"]
// IndexKeys returns the set of keys that match on the named indexing function.
IndexKeys(indexName, indexKey string) ([]string, error)
// 该函数的功能是:根据索引函数名,得到所有的索引值
// 举例:ListIndexFuncValues("byuser") 输出为:ernie, bert, elmo, oscar
// ListIndexFuncValues returns the list of generated values of an Index func
ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string
// 该函数的功能是:通过索引函数名+索引值,得到所有的对象
// 举例:IndexKeys("byUser", "bert")的输出是: [pod1,pod2]
// IndexKeys得到的是对象的名字(key)
// ByIndex lists object that match on the named indexing function with the exact key
ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error)
// 返回所有的索引函数
// GetIndexer return the indexers
GetIndexers() Indexers
// AddIndexers adds more indexers to this store. If you call this after you already have data
// in the store, the results are undefined.
// 添加 索引函数。每个索引函数都有一个唯一的名字,那就是 indexName
AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error
4.4 Cache总结
(1)cache提供了 存储+索引的功能,最终是通过threadSafeMap实现的
(2)threadSafeMap中items实现了存储。indexers + Indices 实现了索引
(3)add, del, update元素除了更新items这个map,还要更新indexers + Indices
5. cache.index在informer中的应用
以podinformer为例介绍cache这一套在informer中的应用。本节只是介绍podinformer是如何生成cache的。具体cache的更新,结合list watcher再做说明。
(1)defaultInformer传入的是cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}
func (f *podInformer) defaultInformer(client kubernetes.Interface, resyncPeriod time.Duration) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
return NewFilteredPodInformer(client, f.namespace, resyncPeriod, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc}, f.tweakListOptions)
const (
NamespaceIndex string = "namespace"
type IndexFunc func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error)
// MetaNamespaceIndexFunc is a default index function that indexes based on an object's namespace
func MetaNamespaceIndexFunc(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return []string{""}, fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
return []string{meta.GetNamespace()}, nil
func NewFilteredPodInformer(client kubernetes.Interface, namespace string, resyncPeriod time.Duration, indexers cache.Indexers, tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.TweakListOptionsFunc) cache.SharedIndexInformer {
return cache.NewSharedIndexInformer(
ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
if tweakListOptions != nil {
return client.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).List(options) //直接调用apiserver的list接口
WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
if tweakListOptions != nil {
return client.CoreV1().Pods(namespace).Watch(options) // 直接调用apiserver的watch接口
&corev1.Pod{}, //说明是pod对象
indexers, //指定indexer
(3) 实例化时调用了 NewIndexer(DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc, indexers)
func NewSharedIndexInformer(lw ListerWatcher, objType runtime.Object, defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod time.Duration, indexers Indexers) SharedIndexInformer {
realClock := &clock.RealClock{}
sharedIndexInformer := &sharedIndexInformer{
processor: &sharedProcessor{clock: realClock},
indexer: NewIndexer(DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc, indexers),
listerWatcher: lw,
objectType: objType,
resyncCheckPeriod: defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod,
defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod: defaultEventHandlerResyncPeriod,
cacheMutationDetector: NewCacheMutationDetector(fmt.Sprintf("%T", objType)),
clock: realClock,
return sharedIndexInformer
// NewIndexer returns an Indexer implemented simply with a map and a lock.
func NewIndexer(keyFunc KeyFunc, indexers Indexers) Indexer {
return &cache{
cacheStorage: NewThreadSafeStore(indexers, Indices{}),
keyFunc: keyFunc,
DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc 最终调用了 MetaNamespaceKeyFunc
所以 ns/podname 就能代表一个 Pod实例
// MetaNamespaceKeyFunc is a convenient default KeyFunc which knows how to make
// keys for API objects which implement meta.Interface.
// The key uses the format <namespace>/<name> unless <namespace> is empty, then
// it's just <name>.
// TODO: replace key-as-string with a key-as-struct so that this
// packing/unpacking won't be necessary.
func MetaNamespaceKeyFunc(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
if key, ok := obj.(ExplicitKey); ok {
return string(key), nil
meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
if len(meta.GetNamespace()) > 0 {
return meta.GetNamespace() + "/" + meta.GetName(), nil
return meta.GetName(), nil
(4)informer.indexer 最终就是一个熟悉的cache结构体
// cache responsibilities are limited to:
// 1. Computing keys for objects via keyFunc
// 2. Invoking methods of a ThreadSafeStorage interface
type cache struct {
// cacheStorage bears the burden of thread safety for the cache
cacheStorage ThreadSafeStore
// keyFunc is used to make the key for objects stored in and retrieved from items, and
// should be deterministic.
keyFunc KeyFunc