近日,华美外国语学校 IBPYP 超学科探究课程参与了IEIC国际教育创新大会—— “我喜爱的国际化学校”(华南区域)票选活动,并以第一名的成绩,获得了“最IN的特色课程”称号。该课程究竟有哪些魅力呢?让我们走进小学部本周举行的“前期评价”阶段学习,来一探究竟吧!
L et's go into the "pre-evaluation" stage of primary school this week to find out!
This week, grades 1-5 of the Primary Department are carrying out different transdisciplinary themes at the same time. In the stage of Tuning in, students explore seven concepts from different themes such as "migration", "literature", "sign and symbol".
Inquiry Topic: Migration
Learning Methods: Thinking Skills and Communication Skills

Students record their observations by drawing mind maps, taking notes, making charts, carding knowledge, writing instructions and annotating images.
Students imitate the way of animal migration to explore the p henomenon of animal migration .

In class, driven by concepts and shared by multimedia facility, students put forward a series of questions to prepare for the next "inquiry stage".

Inquiry Topic: Literature
Learning Methods: Communication Skills, Research Skills

Encourage students to explore different views and forms, listen to and accept other people’s information and instructions, and express their ideas clearly and methodically to groups.
Inquiry Topic: sharing the planet
学习方法:自我管理技能-组织技能交流技能-信息交换技能(倾听 解读 讲话)
Learning Methods: Self-management Skills- Organizational Skills Communication Skills- Information exchange skills(Listening Reading Speaking

学生们通过认识植物进行开题,利用讨论和CSI调查表产生新的想法和探究。在前期评价中我们观看视频阅读绘本认识植物,使用所有感官去发现和注意相关细节。从I wonder I like I see三个角度进行Y表格的制作,练习“可视思考”的策略和技巧。
Students start the topic through PPT to make students understand the theme and central idea of this round of inquiry, and use CSI table to begin Tuning in and draw forth lines of inquiry.
Inquiry Topic: Signs and Symbols
学习方法:交流技能(信息交换技能) 自我管理技能(组织技能)
Learning Methods: Communication Skills (Information Exchange Skills) Self-Management Skills (Organizational Skills)

Teachers implement and demonstrate a series of “visual thinking” skills, provide CSI forms and Y forms for students, and let students organize their own research.
Next, students will continue to grow in the stages of “ collecting data ” , “ analyzing data ” , “ exploring deeply ” , “ drawing conclusions ” and “ taking actions ” .
通过IBPYP超学科探究课程的学习,华美的学生不仅在学科知识和基本技能上得到发展,更在学习能力和学习者素养方面得到持续性的培养和提高,构建了学科之间的联系、学科与现实世界的联系,并延伸到全球范围,拓宽了学生的国际视野,实现“根深中华 美绽世界”的办学思想。
Through the study of IBPYP interdisciplinary inquiry course, students In Huamei School not only develop their subject knowledge and basic skills, but also continuously cultivate and improve their learning ability and learner quality, and build the connection between disciplines and the world.