17.0-Conducting Inquiry
What is inquiry - Inquiry is seeking answers to questions, investigating issues, and gathering information to help us draw conclusions. It enable us to get beyond our first impressions, feelings, preconceived noitons, and person preferences.
什么是调查 - 调查是寻找问题的答案,调查问题,搜集信息来帮助我们得出结论;它能使我们超越我们的第一印象,感觉,先入为主的观念,和个人喜好。
There are two basic kinds of inquiry: inquiry into facts and inquiry into opinions.
Opinions,remember, can be informed or uninformed. Except in case where the purpose of our inquiry demands that both varieties of opinion be gathered, we should be more interested in informed opinion.
one opinion about inquiry - Often we will need to inquire into both facts and opinions. How much inquiry into each is needed will, of course, vary form situation to situation.
一个关于调查的观点 - 通常我们需要同时调查事实和观点,当然,每一个情况需要多少调查,因情况而异。
example of opinion - If the specific issue were Which U.S income group is most inequitably treated by the present federal tax laws?
关于这个观点的一个例子 - 如果具体问题是哪一个美国收入群体受到现行的联邦税法的待遇最不同平?
(fact)We would have to examine the tax laws to determine what they specify and (informed opinion)consult the tax experts for their interpretations of the more complicated aspects of the laws