作者: 皮皮大 | 来源:发表于2020-01-20 16:32 被阅读0次





    1. 查询001课程比002课程成绩高的所有学生的学号


    select a.Sid 
    from (select Sid, score from SC where Cid='001') a,   -- 从SC表中同时选择两个结果,再进行比较
             (select Sid, score from SC where Cid='002') b 
    where a.score > b.score 
    and a.Sid = b.Sid;  -- 保证是同一个学号(学生)的成绩相比较
    1. 查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩


    select Sid, avg(score)
    from SC 
    group by Sid
    having avg(score) > 60;
    1. 查询所有同学的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩


    select Student.Sid, Student.Sname, count(SC.Cid), sum(SC.score)  -- 从两个表中选择4个统计字段
    from Student left outer join SC on Student.Sid=SC.Sid   -- 使用外联结
    group by Student.Sid, Sname  -- 根据学号和姓名进行分组
    1. 查询姓“李”老师的个数


    select count(distinct(Tname))  -- 去重之后再进行统计
    from Teacher 
    where tname like '李%';
    1. 查询没有学过“小风”老师所教课程学生的学号、姓名


    select Student.Sid, Student.Sname 
    from Student
    where Sid not in (select distinct(SC.Sid) from SC, Course, Teacher
                      where SC.Cid=Course.Cid 
                      and Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid 
                      and Teacher.Tname='小风';
    1. 查询学过“小风”老师所教课程学生的学号、姓名


    select S.Sid, S.Sname
    from Student S
    where Sid in (select Sid from SC, Course, Teacher
                 where SC.Cid=Course.Cid 
                 and Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid
                 and Teacher.Tname='小风'
                 group by Sid
                 having count(SC.Cid)=(select count(Cid) 
                                       from Course, Teacher 
                                       where Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid 
                                       and Teacher.Tname='小风'))
    1. 查询学过001和002课程的同学的学号、姓名


    select S.Sid, S.Sname
    from Student S, SC 
    where S.Sid=SC.Sid
    and SC.Cid='001'
    and exists (select * 
                from SC as SC_2  -- 取别名
                where SC_2.Sid=SC.Sid 
                and SC_2.Cid='002');
    1. 所有课程成绩小于60分的同学的学号和姓名
    select Sid, Sname
    from Student
    where Sid not in (select Student.Sid   -- 将成绩全部大于60分的同学的学号筛选出来,再进行取反not in
                      from Student, SC 
                      where Student.Sid=SC.Sid 
                      and score > 60;)
    1. 检索004课程分数小于60,按照分数降序排列的同学学号
    select Sid
    from SC
    where Cid='004'  -- 指定学号
    order by score desc;  -- 降序
    1. 删除002(学号)同学的001(课程编号)课程的成绩
    delect from SC
    where Sid='002'
    and Cid='001';
    1. 查询2门以上不及格课程的同学的学号(学号)以及平均成绩(score)


    select Sid, avg(isnull(score,0))  -- isnull函数表示:将SC表中所有的NULL替换成0
    from SC
    where Sid in (select Sid from SC where score < 60 group by Sid having count(*) > 2)   -- 筛选2门不及格
    group by Sid;
    1. 查询全部学生选修的课程的课程号、课程名
    select Cid, Cname
    from Course
    where Cid in (select Cid   -- 通过分组的方式选择出Cid
                  from SC 
                  group by Cid);
    1. 查询不同课程,成绩相同的学生和学号、课程号、学生成绩
    select distinct a.Sid, b.Score
    from SC a, SC b
    where a.Score=b.Score
    and a.Cid <>b.Cid;
    1. 查询和1002号的同学学习的课程完全相同的其他同学学号和姓名
    select Sid
    from SC 
    where Cid in (select Cid from SC where Sid='1002')
    group by Sid 
    having count(*)=(select cont(*) from SC where Sid='1002');   -- 统计的是002选修的课程总数,其他人的总数应该是和他相同
    1. 查询各科成绩的前3名记录
    select t1.Sid as 学生ID, t1.Cid as 课程ID, score as 分数
    from SC t1
    where Score in (select top 3 score  -- top3
                    from SC 
                    where t1.Cid=Cid 
                    order by Score desc);
    1. 查询只选修1门课程的全部学生的学号和姓名
    select SC.Sid, Student.Sname, count(Cid) as 选课数
    from SC, Student
    where Sc.Sid=Student.Sid
    group by Sc.Sid, Student.Sname
    having count(Cid)=1;
    1. 查询男女人数
    select count(Ssex) as 男生人数
    from Student 
    group by Ssex
    having Ssex='男';
    select count(Ssex) as 女生人数
    from Student 
    group by Ssex
    having Ssex='女';



