内容摘要:本文是Scatter 的RIDL原文翻译。译文若有不当之处还望指出,欢迎感兴趣的朋友多多交流!
Airdrop, Reservations, and Auction
Scatter is already a live project with integration into a few applications and demos readily available online. We believe the airdrop philosophy that has been introduced into the EOS ecosystem is a solution to a larger problem. ICOs have made the blockchain space a dangerous playground rampant with scam projects that never reach fruition and simply apply a “grab and run” mentality towards the communities that support them. We do not wish to take part in that or even be associated with it.
Scatter 已经是一个动态项目,它集成的一些应用程序和演示程序可以随时在网上获得。我们相信,引入EOS生态系统的空投理念是解决更大问题的方法。猖獗的诈骗项目ICO使得区块链成为一个危险的游乐场,它们从未能实现,只是对支持它们的社区运用取“攫取和逃跑”的心态。我们不希望参与其中,更不想与之相关。
Hence we have elected to airdrop RIDL Tokens to every EOS holder using the genesis snapshot that will be released on June 1st. This means that every EOS holding public key in the snapshot will have 40 RIDL tokens waiting for them after an Identity is registered with RIDL. Every registered Identity also receives 10 RIDL tokens as a starting pool as well, both now and in the future.
因此,我们选择在6月1日根据发布的创世快照来向每个EOS持有者空投RIDL tokens。这意味着每个持有快照中公钥的EOS将在RIDL注册身份后将会获得40个RIDL tokens。无论是现在还是将来,每个注册的身份也会收到10个RIDL tokens 作为起始池。
Identity names can be reserved before EOS mainnet launch. The Identities will be linked to a user provided EOS public key. Multiple Identity names may be bound to a single public key. During the reservation period reserved Identity names will be transferable using the auction at the owners own discretion. At the end of the reservation period public keys will be locked to their current Identity names and irrevocably bound to the public keys associated with them at the time.
身份名称可以在EOS 主网启动之前预定。身份将链接到用户提供的EOS公钥。多个身份名可以绑定到一个公钥。在预订期间,业主可以自主决定用拍卖的方式转让预定的身份名称。在预定期结束时,公钥将被锁定到它们当前的身份名称,并且不可撤销地绑定到与它们相关联的公钥。
Though applications can and should reserve their Identities in order to make sure they have access to their unique names, they will not be airdropped tokens as this would cause both sides to have max tokens and no tokens would be able to be used to repute.
Scatter has set up a website to facilitate the reservation and auctioning of Identity names. You may visit it at airdrops airdropd.scatter-eos.com
Scatter建立了一个网站,以便于促进身份名称的预定和竞拍。你可以在网站 airdropd.scatter-eos.com上查询。
Some Identity names will be pre-reserved by the Scatter team for key proponents of the network and early bird dapps such as Scatter, RIDL, EOSEssentials, EOSGo, EOSIO, EOS.IO, EOS, Block1, BlockOne, DanLarimer, BrendanBlumer, Everipedia, Carmel, Chintai, TMN, TheMerchantNetwork, EOSTracker, and WalletEOS.
一些身份名称将由 Scatter 团队为网络关键支持者和早鸟类DAPP预留,例如 Scatter 、RIDL、 EOSEssentials、EOSGo, EOSIO, EOS.IO, EOS, Block1, BlockOne, DanLarimer, BrendanBlumer, Everipedia, Carmel, Chintai, TMN, TheMerchantNetwork, EOSTracker, and WalletEOS.