【EOS】Scatter RIDL信誉介绍之二

【EOS】Scatter RIDL信誉介绍之二

作者: Joanna_乔 | 来源:发表于2018-07-13 23:39 被阅读39次

Limitations on Transferring and Reputing


Identities have two states that can be changed at the request of the Identity. Trading and Reputing. When the Identity’s state changes it is frozen for 24 hours and can not repute, gain reputation, or trade tokens. Once the 24 hour period is up the Identity can then either trade or repute depending on it’s current state.


This makes it so that applications and users can not spend and refill their balances quickly by reputing and transferring tokens between accounts and gaming the system.


No reputation is gained from transferring tokens between Identities, and the maximum 100 token limit still applies meaning you can not transfer 100 tokens from two different Identities to the same Identity or they will overflow and only the first transfer will succeed.

不能通过在ID之间传递tokens获得信誉,并且,最大100 tokens的限制仍然适用,即不能将100个tokens从两个不同的身份转移到同一个身份,否则它们将溢出,并且只有第一个能传输成功。

Sybil Attacks and Reputation Gaming


译者注:Sybil Attacks 百度百科解释为“女巫攻击”,是指利用社交网络中的少数节点控制多个虚假身份,从而利用这些身份控制或影响网络的大量正常节点的攻击方式。

By only allowing User Identities to repute once per entity and requiring 1 EOS ( governed price ) for RIDL registration the cost of giving an application a high reputation maliciously is 1 EOS*Reputation wanted.


It is harder yet to game a user’s reputation because of the limitation of minimum good standing ( initialized at 100, but governed and set on a sliding scale based on averages ) that an application needs in order to repute users. If a malicious actor wanted to give a User Identity 1000 reputation within a 24 hour period they would need to create 1000 applications and then 100,000 users to repute those applications. The cost of RIDL alone would be 101,000 EOS. For maximum reputation that would require 10,000 applications and 1,000,000 users, equaling 1,010,000  EOS. This does not account for the costs of EOS resource staking. The attacker would also instantly be traceable due to the amount of EOS they are moving from their account into these smaller accounts.


Because the RIDL ledger is publicly visible and reputations are displayed any user can flag an Identity if they notice a large amount of fake reputes towards it. After a threshold the Identity will start losing 1 positive reputation for every flag applied. Flags expire after 7 days and can be reapplied.




      本文标题:【EOS】Scatter RIDL信誉介绍之二
