
作者: 槐序cherry | 来源:发表于2017-07-17 20:48 被阅读27次

        It's time to renew it, but, uh, I don't think I've spent enough money.

      The baby elephant is very cute ,I like animals very much, small animals are human friends, and they can bring me a lot of joy and laughter. But the real talent pool of animals is being hunted by people, and then leads to extinction. So we have to protect animals.


        Stick figures, although seemingly simple, but need some synthesis. So I can be ruthless to say that the good people who draw the good people are actually a very patient person.


      In fact, it was just a detail of the style of this little girl in the wind, his hair was blown up by the wind. This simple black pen will be compared, or some other colors most like words, in fact, we can often go to change in the day-to-day.


        All right, the next two are new. I prefer chemistry to the heart. Empty, I always cann't show it well. I am also very helpless, so if everyone has those water to paint the good people, please believe me.

槐序Ⅸ 槐序Ⅸ

      This is my elder sister is a pencil drawing, and then pencil drawing, in fact, his tools are very few. Just a pencil, and a rubber will be enough, but pencil drawing can show a lot of things. So I think the sketch is actually a subject that needs to be studied and understood.


    Finally, thank you for your watch ~


  • 槐序

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  • 槐序ⅩⅠ


  • 槐序ⅩⅦ

    告诉我 你想去哪儿? 带我离开这烦扰之地可好 与你一同化蝶 谢谢您的观看:)希望大家多多指点我的不足之处呀

  • 槐序ⅩⅣ



