简介:Coinbase,相信大家都不陌生,世界顶级数字货币交易所。Coinbase 有非常完备的 API 服务,包括允许开发人员使用 OAuth2 协议允许 Coinbase 用户授予第三方应用程序对其帐户的完全或部分访问权限,而无需共享帐户的 API 密钥或登录凭据。本篇文章介绍开发者如何使用 Coinbase 公共数据 API 获取交易对订单记录。
Coinbase,相信大家都不陌生,世界顶级数字货币交易所。Coinbase 有非常完备的 API 服务,包括允许开发人员使用 OAuth2 协议允许 Coinbase 用户授予第三方应用程序对其帐户的完全或部分访问权限,而无需共享帐户的 API 密钥或登录凭据。
Coinbase, which I believe everyone knows, is the world's top digital currency exchange. Coinbase's API services are very comprehensive, it allows developers to use the OAuth2 protocol to allow a Coinbase user to grant a 3rd party application full or partial access to his/her account, without sharing the account’s API key or login credentials.
本篇文章,我们展示如何利用 Coinbase 的 Market Data API 获取交易对订单记录。
In this article, we show how to use Coinbase's Market Data API to get a list of open orders for a product.
Market Data API 是 Coinbase Pro API 中不需要身份验证的公共信息端口,用于检索市场数据。它提供市场数据的快照。
The Market Data API is an unauthenticated set of endpoints for retrieving market data. These endpoints provide snapshots of market data.
Market Data API 官方文档:https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#market-data
Market Data API official documentation: https://docs.pro.coinbase.com/#market-data
Get a list of open orders for a product:
Basic query:
比如查询 ETH-BTC 交易对:
For example, query ETH-BTC:
Node.js 代码示例:
Code example (Node.js):

返回的 JSON 示例:
Return JSON example:

在这个查询中,显示的详细信息量可以使用 level 参数进行自定义。默认情况下 level 参数为1.
In this query, the amount of detail shown can be customized with the level parameter. The default level is 1.
Advanced Search:
对 level 进行设置可改变输出结果:
The amount of detail shown can be customized with the level parameter:
1 只显示最好的出价和 ask
2 前50的出价和 ask 汇总
3 完整订单列表
1 Only the best bid and ask
2 Top 50 bids and asks (aggregated)
3 Full order book (non aggregated)
比如查询 BTC-USD 交易对并设置 level 为2:
For example, query BTC-USD and set the level to 2:
Node.js 代码示例:
Code example (Node.js):

返回的 JSON 示例(查询 BTC-USD 交易对并设置 level 为2):
Return JSON example (query BTC-USD and set the level to 2):

Market Data API 思维导图:
Mind map of the Market Data API:

