实用句子: Is this seat taken? Sorry, it is taken. I am actual...
Is the seat taken/available/free? Is theseattaken/availab...
Is this seat taken?这个座位有人坐吗? No, have a seat.没有你请坐吧。 This...
#每日一跑#day7 be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
每日短语 An old hand(老手) Describe someone who is skilled and ...
每日短语 Throw in the towel 举白旗认输 'To throw in the towel' is ...
每日一句 今日短语 【Name and shame 我】点名批评。 名词“name”在这个短语中被当作动词使用,表...
每日短语 rub it in (故意戳痛处) It means someone keeps mentioning ...
每日短语 Dragon(母老虎) To describe unfriendly and frightening w...
本文标题:每日短语: Is this seat taken?