7 月 11 日,法国参议院通过了一项法案。该项草案规定,谷歌、亚马逊、脸书等 30 余家全球数字业务营收不低于 7.5 亿欧元,同时在法国国内营收超过 2500 万欧元的互联网企业将被征收 3%的数字税。此举引发了美国的不满。美国政府表示,该政策是在有意针对美国的科技企业。这项法案为何会引起这样的争议?其他国家对此又有哪些看法?
France’s digital tax riles the White House
It can be horribly difficult to tax tech giants’ profits. Rich countries have haggled over how to reform the global tax system, making progress in a number of areas, but not on taxing tech. Now France, it seems, has had enough.
On July 11th it passed a bill allowing it to levy 3% on the French revenues of big internet firms — those with at least €750m (28m) within France.
7 月 11 日,法国通过了一项法案,这项法案允许国家对大型互联网公司在法国取得的收益征收 3%的税——这些公司在全球有至少 7.5 亿欧元(约合美元 8.44 亿)的收益,在法国的收益至少在 2500 万欧元(约合美元 2800 万)。
That has not gone down well at the White House, which says the measure unfairly takes aim at American companies like Google and Amazon.
Some think France’s unilateral action is mis-timed. But all say they would prefer a global deal, which the OECD, a club of rich and middle-income countries, is trying to broker.
一些国家认为,法国的单边行动不合时宜。但所有国家都表示,他们更希望达成一项全球协议。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)正在试图促成这项全球协议。OECD 是一个由富裕国家和中等收入国家共同构成的组织。
France’s action, critics say, could now undermine that multilateral process. What is more, a world in which different countries imposed different digital tax regimes would be horribly messy.
The European Commission has in recent years levied billions in fines against Google over anti-competitive practices. Facebook, too, could be hit for alleged privacy breaches. All this at a time when America and the EU are discussing a trade deal. Those talks have hit a wall. France has just added another brick.
近年来,欧盟委员会因谷歌的反竞争行为已向其征收了数十亿(欧元)的罚款。Facebook 也可能因其涉嫌侵犯隐私而受到(欧盟的)打击。所有这些都发生在美国和欧盟正在商讨贸易协议的时候。(双方的)会谈遇到了瓶颈,而法国则又新添了一脚。