<Ready Player One>074

Release date: 2018-3-30
Running time:140mins
Recommendation Rate:★★★★★
Four questions:
1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?
The most important thing is present. Making good use of present can change the future.

2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).
A/ Virtual and reality is totally different. In the game, a big man character could be a lady, no one knows what is behind the internet. This is not the point really shocked me, because in the real world, it also exist. From the appearance, the words and the actions, we can not know a person completely. So do not be silly, not treat everyone with the heart.

B/ Friends are vital to a person. No one can live without friends. But when I become older and older, I found it's really hard to have close friends. You have to digest your emotions by yourself. Even friends can not help.

C/ The creator of the game regret the leap he didn't take, that is missing kiss to the lady he loves. Now I always wanna do something on my bucket list, the reason is that I know I will not regret for those I did, but I 'll regret for those I didn't do when my life is going to end. So make the dreams on the list come true is my goal.

3、What did you learn from the movie?
Public speaking is a skill when you call action, there are things that you cannot do by yourself. At this time, if you can persuade all the players or the people who can help, that is really necessary and vital.

4、The background of the story.
The game creator designed three keys which lead to the final award. That is own the game and a great treasure. So many players, including 101 company joined the game and eager to win.
