鐵漢柔情-Without Fail

鐵漢柔情-Without Fail

作者: 甜心兔Jacqueline | 来源:发表于2018-11-15 10:50 被阅读23次

《Without Fail》is the third book of the Lee Child’s  series I read, still extremely wonderful. everything centred around the threats of " assassinating the vice president".

鐵漢柔情-Without Fail

Jack ,no job, no ID, knight errant,still alone.Florence, a charming agent from U.S secret service,serving at the very heart of US power, tracked him down,asked Jack to be a fake assassin, just to let the bodyguard team find its own shortcomings so as to improve the protection mechanism.Then, real killers targeted the vice president, and the Secret Service received threatening letters successively, so a real assassination drama began. They had to consider conditions from a killer's point of view:when and where will they shoot? The protection work of the U.S. president's security team, most mysterious task had been brought to the eyes of readers,really difficult. Facing the potential dangers of uncertainties, agents,bodygurads felt nervous all day long.

However, as public figure, the VP had to show himself in public frequently. Florence, paid the price of life while protecting the vice president, died in Jack’s arms. Beloved woman dying in front of him, what man of iron had to do? It is eye for eye,teeth for a teeth. Touching feelings are more striking.Although Florence could not forget Joe in her heart, Jack was still loving her.

Chasing after fierce enemies in a snowy wilderness far away from town was exciting at the last page.

鐵漢柔情-Without Fail


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