2023-06-22 黜(lut)

2023-06-22 黜(lut)

作者: 胜果铺子 | 来源:发表于2023-07-14 14:41 被阅读0次


    12078 lúi 屢
    lúi-lúi, constantly over and over again. lúi-chhù, several times; frequently.

    如果读成“li2-li2”,应该是用文读音。泉腔 lɯ2-lɯ2,晋东腔变成 li2-li2。



    thô͘-kat, unburned bricks (v. kat).



    koe-noāⁿ, a young fowl, as one that has not yet hatched chickens.



    3992 *tuh tuh-tuh siūⁿ, to consider carefully.


    thâu-khak tuh-tuh, keeping the head bent down, as man much depressed in spirits or ashamed; or as man walking in a very sedate or thoughtful way; or when looking down to avoid the appearance of looking at people; or from usual habit, etc.


    tuh-bîn, to nod in sleep;





    12122 lu̍t
    to stroke in one direction with the closed hand, as a man's arm or queue; to bare the arm; to squeeze out with the hand, as blood; to milk. lu̍t-leng, to milk. lu̍t-lin, to milk. lu̍t-niⁿ, to milk. lu̍t-chhiú, to pull up one's sleeve. lu̍t chhiú-kut, to pull up one's sleeve. lu̍t chhiú-ńg, to pull up one's sleeve. lu̍t-chhiú lu̍t-kiohg4, to bare one's arms and legs, as for fighting, or for hard or dirty work. chhiú tio̍h-lu̍t--khí-lâi, bare your arm! lu̍t--khí-lâi, to bare, as the arm. chhiú-ńg lu̍t--lo̍h-khì, let down the sleeve again.



    12114 lut
    to slip out of place; to be loosened, as a knot; to lose an office or situation; to loosen and strip off, as hair or feathers, by scalding; to swindle. lut--khì, to slip out of its place; to get loosened by accident, as a knot; to lose an office or situation. lut--lo̍h-khì, to fall off, as a shoe, feathers, etc.; to fall down, as trousers. phah-lut, to let something slip out of its place, as by careless use. thâu-lō͘ phah-lut, situation lost.lut-koaⁿ, to lose office, as mandarin. lut-khū, to dislocate, as joint. lut-chō, to get out of the socket. lut-mn̂g, to lose hair or feathers that do not grow again, as animal growing old; to lose the hair, as a fur, or sheep-skin, or velvet, etc.; to loosen, as hair or feathers, by scalding with boiling water. lut thâu-mn̂g, hair, of old man, failing off. lut-miâⁿ (C.), to buy off a man who threatens to accuse us before a mandarin.lut-á, a swindler. lut-lâng, to swindle people. lut-long chiū-cháu, to steal away secretly and noiselessly (v. long).


    lut-chit, to put out of office; to dismiss.

    《台湾闽南语常用词典》的推荐用字是:甪 lut。标注是[替]字。这个字太过生僻了。普通民众肯定读不出来。我个人不推荐使用。


    18942 koa 擱
    , to pause or rest at a place in passing, especially going slightly out of the way to do so. koa-oaⁿ, to lie for a short time at a port or anchorage, as a vessel. koa-khì-hia, to go slightly out of the way to stop at that place. koa-chia koa-hia, stopping here and there in passing. koa--khì pa̍t-só͘-chāi, to go slightly out of the way to stop (for some purpose) at another place. koa-kha, to pause or rest at a place on the way or a little out of the way.




    8617 chíⁿ
    tender, young, delicate (of men, animals, shoots of plants, etc.)

    293 chíⁿ
    tender. put-lūn lāu kāng chíⁿ, whether old or young. chíⁿ kàu-lāu, from childhood to old age. m̄ chiâⁿ lāu m̄ chiâⁿ chíⁿ, middle-aged. kiáⁿ iáu iù-chíⁿ, children still young, not yet able to earn money. chíⁿ-kiáⁿ bô pak-tn̂g, a young child without understanding of affairs; said sometimes in blaming a man.

    tsiaⁿ2 (𩟗 )


    insipid; tasteless; fresh, not salt; wanting in saltiness or sweetness

    | 8835 | chiáⁿ | insipid; tasteless; fresh, not salt; wanting in saltiness or sweetness



          本文标题:2023-06-22 黜(lut)
