

作者: 小静40 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 22:50 被阅读0次


M: How many bees are there?

J: Three.

M: Yes, there are three bees.Oh, There is a flower. what colour is it?

J: Purple.

M: Is there a girl?

J: No. it is a boy.

M: Look, here is a girl.

What are they doing?

They are flying.

J: 妈妈,你是照着这个念的吗?

M: No, these are not English. Maybe French.


Jack in the box.4遍


Jack in the box. oh, so still. Will you come out?另一个人回答:Yes i will.

然后妈妈装小丑,宝贝分别装成Monkey,turtle,Mr's ostrich and Mr giraffe, 看到小丑出来时跳起来吊在上铺,缩起手脚,埋住头和高高站立。

妈妈 :Be careful, little monkey. Your are hunging on the bed. Please come down, I am your friend, little  clown. Come and hug me. We are good friends.

妈妈 :don't be scared ,my dear little turtle. I am your friend, little  clown. Come and hug me. We are good friends.

妈妈:don't be scared ,my dear Mrs ostrich. I am your friend, little  clown. Come and hug me. We are good friends.

妈妈:don't be scared ,my dear Mr, giraffe. I am your friend, little  clown. Come and hug me. We are good friends.

做完游戏准备睡时,宝贝拿出他睡觉时的陪伴娃娃,一个是从小就用的little beardang, 另外一个是他自己用声音的腰带做成的little Bonny,对我说: one.

M: You want me choose one?

J: Yes.

M: Thank you . i like bear.

J: Ok.我可不是送给你的,是借给你睡觉抱的.

M hug: Thank you John, thank you for sharing, you are my best friend.



