这是一本励志书,在罗马尼亚的书店购入,67 Lei,书很厚,但是不重。整体分为三大块---健康、财富和智慧。每个模块都是名人的采访笔记,东西很杂,需要读者自己去挖掘整理。

阿诺德-施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)作的前言,前荧屏硬汉、前加州州长回顾了自己的成长经历,他是如何从奥地利一个小地方来到美国的。继而,如何成长成功的。
他强调了任何一个人,即使再坚强再自律,也是需要别人的帮助和指点的。一个人要取得成就就要站在别人的肩膀上。他也不认为i他是个白手起家、自力更生的人,他说,“But it is not true that I am self-made. Like everyone, to get to where I am, I stood on the shoulders of giants.”
The worst thing you can ever do is think that you know enough. 永远不要认为自己已经懂得足够多了。
Now, when I'm feeling stuck, trapped, desperate, angry, conflicted, or simply unclear, the first thing I do is flip through these pages with a strong cup of coffee in hand.
Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. 评价一个男人,通过他的提问而不是他的回答。
It's the small things, done consistently, that are the big things.
As a software engineer might say, "That's not a bug. It's a feature!"
This book is a buffet, you have to choose from it.
The superheroes you have in your mind(idols,icons, titans, billionaires, etc.) are nearly all walking flaws who've maximized 1 or 2 strengths.