很高兴来到美丽的达沃斯。达沃斯虽然只是阿尔卑斯山上的一个小镇 ,却是一个观察世界经济的重要窗口。大家从四面八方会聚这里,各种思想碰撞出智慧的火花,以较少的投入获得了很高的产出。我看这个现象可以称作“施瓦布经济学”。
I’m very glad to be in such a beautiful place. Although Davos is merely a small town on Alps, it is in fact a significant place where we examine the world economy for from every corner we gather here, so that our minds collide and brilliant ideas come out. With small investments we gain fruitful outcomes, which I would like to call “Schwabian Economy”.
“这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代”,英国文学家狄更斯曾这样描述工业革命发生后的世界。今天,我们也生活在一个矛盾的世界之中。一方面,物质财富不断积累,科技进步日新月异,人类文明发展到历史最高水平 。另一方面,地区冲突频繁发生,恐怖主义、难民潮等全球性挑战此起彼伏,贫困、失业、收入差距拉大,世界面临的不确定性上升 。
The English writer Charles Dickens described the post-Industrial Revolution world as “the best of times” and “the worst of times”. The described contradiction echoes in our world of today where on one hand, civilization is at its high throughout the history with the non-stopping accumulation of materials and progression of technology; on the other hand, the world is faced with increasing uncertainty such as poverty, unemployment, the growing income disparity, frequent regional conflicts and global challenges including terrorism and refugee crisis.
To solve the confusion, we have to find out where exactly the problems come from. Some attribute the worldwide chaos to economic globalization, the once “Ali Baba’s Cave” and the present “Pandora’s Box” in many people’s eyes. Centering on economic globalization, the international society sets off broad discussion.
今天,我想从经济全球化问题切入 ,谈谈我对世界经济的看法。
Today, I would like to express my opinions on world economy from the perspective of economic globalization.
第三,坚持与时俱进,打造公正合理的治理模式 。小智治事,大智治制。 全球经济治理体系变革紧迫性越来越突出,国际社会呼声越来越高。全球治理体系只有适应国际经济格局新要求,才能为全球经济提供有力保障。
Thirdly, we have to keep pace with the time and work out a reasonable management system. Intelligence handles affairs while wisdom refines systems. With an increasing call from the international society for revolution, the global economic management systems are able to defend only if they adapt themselves to international economics.
国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等成员,理应平等参与决策、享受权利、履行义务。要赋予新兴市场国家和发展中国家更多代表性和发言权。2010年国际货币基金组织份额改革方案已经生效,这一势头应该保持下去。要坚持 多边主义,维护多边体制权威性和有效性。要践行承诺、遵守规则,不能按照自己的意愿取舍或选择。《巴黎协定》符合全球发展大方向,成果来之不易,应该共同坚守,不能轻言放弃。这是我们对子孙后代必须担负的责任!
Every country enjoys its equality to decide, to have rights and to discharge obligations in the international society, regardless of their levels of development. Emerging markets and developing countries should be endowed with more representation and rights to speak. In 2010, International Monetary Fund’s Structure Adjustment Programme was put into effect, which should be encouraged. We should hold up for multilateralism as well as its authority and effectiveness. We should also honour our promises and observe the rules, instead of making decisions merely dependent on our own wills. The Paris Agreement echoes with the development of the world. We should stick to its outcomes, which were produced with great difficulty. For all of our offspring, we should carry out those responsibilities.
Fourthly, we should work out a balanced development which helps reciprocal interests with justice and inclusiveness. “When the great way prevails, the world community is shared by all.” We develop for the happiness of our people. Only if we refine our theories and systems to be fair, effective and coordinated, can we balance the development, create equal opportunities and share the fruits.
In a society, people should be encouraged to be hardworking, thrifty and aggressive so that everyone’s efforts will be respected; justice should be defended by eliminating poverty, unemployment and income disparity for underprivileged people; ecological environment should be well protected and developed in the way coordinating with economy and society, so that humans, nature and society will connect in harmony; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should be put into effect for a balanced development around the world.
“Victory can be achieved by accumulated power, and success can be reached by exchanged wisdom.” We are sure to make our world better and our people happier as long as we develop a strong sense of fate community, for which we work hard, take responsibilities and overcome obstacles all together.