- vivian的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练D
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- 标题: 阳光的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训
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- 标题: 阳光的ScalersTalk第四轮《新概念》朗读持续力训
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- 信徒的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 1
L51-2: Predicting the future
It can properly be described as the first 'home computer' and it pointed the way to the future. This was followed, at the end of the 1970s, by a machine called an Apple.
In the early 1980s, the computer giant, IBM produced the world's first Personal Computer. This ran on an 'operating system' called DOS, produced by a then small company named Microsoft. The IBM Personal Computer was widely copied. From those humble beginnings, we have seen the development of the user-friendly home computers and multimedia machines which are in common use today. Considering how recent these developments are, it is even more remarkable that as long ago as the 1960s, an Englishman, Leon Bagrit, was able to predict some of the uses of computers which we know today.Bagrit dismissed the idea that computers would learn to 'think' for themselves and would 'rule the world', which people liked to believe in those days.
[ɪt] [kæn] [ˈprɒpəli] [biː] [dɪsˈkraɪbd] [æz] [ðə] [fɜːst] [həʊm] [kəmˈpjuːtə] [ænd] [ɪt] [ˈpɔɪntɪd] [ðə] [weɪ] [tuː] [ðə] [ˈfjuːʧə]. [ðɪs] [wɒz] [ˈfɒləʊd], [æt] [ði] [ɛnd] [ɒv] [ðiː] 1970[ɛs], [baɪ] [ə] [məˈʃiːn] [kɔːld] [ən] [ˈæpl].
[ɪn] [ði] [ˈɜːli] 1980[ɛs], [ðə] [kəmˈpjuːtə] [ˈʤaɪənt], [aɪ-biː-ɛm] [prəˈdjuːst] [ðə] [wɜːldz] [fɜːst] [ˈpɜːsnl] [kəmˈpjuːtə]. [ðɪs] [ræn] [ɒn] [ən] [ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ] [ˈsɪstɪm] [kɔːld] [duːz], [prəˈdjuːst] [baɪ] [ə] [ðɛn] [smɔːl] [ˈkʌmpəni] [neɪmd] [ˈmaɪkrəsɒft]. [ði] [aɪ-biː-ɛm] [ˈpɜːsnl] [kəmˈpjuːtə] [wɒz] [ˈwaɪdli] [ˈkɒpid]. [frɒm] [ðəʊz] [ˈhʌmbl] [bɪˈgɪnɪŋz], [wiː] [hæv] [siːn] [ðə] [dɪˈvɛləpmənt] [ɒv] [ðə] [ˈjuːzə]-[ˈfrɛndli] [həʊm] [kəmˈpjuːtəz] [ænd] [ˌmʌltɪˈmiːdɪə] [məˈʃiːnz] [wɪʧ] [ɑːr] [ɪn] [ˈkɒmən] [juːz] [təˈdeɪ]. [kənˈsɪdərɪŋ] [haʊ] [ˈriːsnt] [ðiːz] [dɪˈvɛləpmənts] [ɑː], [ɪt] [ɪz] [ˈiːvən] [mɔː] [rɪˈmɑːkəbl] [ðæt] [æz] [lɒŋ] [əˈgəʊ] [æz] [ðiː] 1960[ɛs], [ən] [ˈɪŋglɪʃmən], [liːˈɒn] Bagrit, [wɒz] [ˈeɪbl] [tuː] [prɪˈdɪkt] [sʌm] [ɒv] [ðə] [ˈjuːzɪz] [ɒv] [kəmˈpjuːtəz] [wɪʧ] [wiː] [nəʊ] [təˈdeɪ].Bagrit [dɪsˈmɪst] [ði] [aɪˈdɪə] [ðæt] [kəmˈpjuːtəz] [wʊd] [lɜːn] [tuː] [θɪŋk] [fɔː] [ðəmˈsɛlvz] [ænd] [wʊd] [ruːl] [ðə] [wɜːld], [wɪʧ] [ˈpiːpl] [laɪkt] [tuː] [bɪˈliːv] [ɪn] [ðəʊz] [deɪz].
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