

作者: ColinCai | 来源:发表于2017-10-17 09:47 被阅读0次



About me

In the 19 June 2006, there was a baby crying sound in hospital of Yueyang city in China. I came into this world in this day. Because my parents are teacher in college, they give me a name“ziyue”



My hobbies

I think everyone has their own preferences. My mom told me that I like to play everything in one or two years old. I still remembered that I like running outside in three years old. I attended interesting class in five years old, for example: writing、drawing、piano、card game. Recently, I started to like football. Oh, my god! So many hobbies.



Ignorant Childhood

My mother told me that I was very fat when I was young, and completely different from now. I went to kindergarten in two years old. At the beginning, I was very quiet and mild in kindergarten, but I became naughty soon. At that time, I thought everything was fun and interesting.



Drowning, between minutes and seconds

In the age of six, I took the airplane in first time, and completed my first trip abroad——to Malaysia. I can not remember many things because I was young, but there was a thing I can not forget at any time. This is a sunny day, I swam excitedly in sea without fear and prevention. Suddenly a big wave hit me, my body was uncontrolled and immersed in water, and my eyes could not open. My God! Was I dead? Good luck for me! One hand pull me back to shore. Oh, that was my mother! I thought I must be careful!



Three hundred points, my grade

From year 1 to year 3, my grade was relatively good, the best only a few times. I began to have confidence in the test after this experience. One day in year 3, when the result of the final exam be announced. My classmates told me that I had gotten three hundred points as soon as they met me. I could not believe that. However, something was true when I saw my examination paper. Oh, I was the best! I began to know that the exam was not so hard, I could do best if I was confident、serious and focused.





A football match, I have great responsibilityFrom the age of eight until now, I began to like football. I asked my father play football with me every day when I was back to home from school. All of my spare time was spent there since the district football stadium built. I could play with anyone , whether he was adult or child , junior high school students or college students , boy or girl. In year 4, I was very excited when I was selected as captain of football team by teacher, led the team to attend the Futsal in school. There was a match of class 1 VS my class. We have strength advantage , but the disappointed results of the competition. In the fourth minute, just four minutes, our defense had a big problem, that the defender did notanything, the midfield were blocked, the striker could not come back. Our opponent seized the opportunity, and took the ball into our defensive area quickly, and force shoot! 0 : 1. we lost a ball. After half of the game, I was very disappointed, and my teammates were exhausted.“No problem! Just lost one goal, we had chances, come on!”I try to encourage everyone as soon as possible. The second half began. Luowen Zhu snatched the ball from the opponent by nice action, and another teammate passed me the ball quickly, but I did not kick the ball. Our goalkeeper kicked the ball on the other side of the goalposts. We played bravely, and the victory appear our sight at once, but the referee blew the whistle to end the game. Despite losing the game, we were not discouraged, the game also taught me tolerance : tolerance for failure、tolerance for cheering opponents and tolerance for teammates.登陆英伦

我9岁的那年,在一次吃中饭的时候,爸爸妈妈偶然提到“儿子还小,要多出去看看”,妈妈提议到英国或者美国。我认为他们是在开玩笑,一本正经对他们说:“出去需要很大代价的,还是算了吧。”爸妈没有回答我。不知从什么时候开始,爸妈为出国的事情忙碌起来,大概两个月后,爸妈将要出国的消息告诉我了。不会吧?这么快!我十分震惊。在与班上同学告别后,我坐上飞机飞往英伦。我现在住在科尔切斯特,这是一个轻松悠闲的小镇,我在这儿开始了我新的学习。在学校里,我认识很多新的老师和同学,学到了很多国内没有的东西。我觉得最有趣当属language day。那天一上课,老师便告诉我们今天是language day,要按分组循环去教室,我拿起笔袋,开始了一天的语言之行。一到教室,我就看到了几碗食品,我的同桌迫不及待的拿起一块就开始咀嚼。我看着他的表情,到底是什么味道?是什么令他先痛苦不堪再微笑不已?我小心翼翼地尝了一口,是酸黄瓜吗?吃完后的回味真香啊!老师告诉我们,这是法兰西薄黄瓜,它的特色就在于回味。难道法兰西是这个味道吗?还是法语是这个味道?尝尽了酸甜苦辣后,我们才走出教室。

这次language day,我上了优美好听的音乐法语课,上了欢声笑语的游戏俄语课,上了诙谐幽默的德语课,最让我印象深刻的还是美食国家课。

Landed England

A lunch time in my nine years old, my parents talked about abroad topic. My father told me that I need to go abroad to increase knowledge while I was young. My mother suggested to go to UK or US. I thought that as a joke, and said to them:“it need to spend a lot of money.”My parents did not answer me. I did not know when to begin, my parents got busying for abroad. Two month later, Dad told me we would go to UK. Was it true? It shock me! After I said goodbye to my teachers and classmates, I flew to England. Now I live in Colchester, it is a leisure and beautiful town, where I go to new school, and meet many new classmates and many teachers. I learn a lot of interesting things, such as language day. One day when we start class, the teacher ask us:“please attend your class according your group, today is our language day!”language day? Could I learn another language? I take my pencil bag and start my learning to language.

When we enter my classroom, we see many foods on table. My classmate can not wait to start trying the foods. What taste are this foods? I want to know why he smile after feel pain. I begin to try this foods carefully. Is it sour cucumber? The taste of cucumber is delicious after eating. The teacher tell us:“this is France cucumber, a distinctive feature is aftertaste. ”Is the France this taste? Or Is French this taste?

In this language day, I have learn pleasant music French class, happy laughter Russian class, humorous German class, but I am most impressed with the national  food class.

Now, I am still in England. I think I can increase knowledge and grow up in this ten months.



Imagine the future

In the short ten years, I gain many things and understand many things. Although the future can not be foreseen, I can go ahead following my plan if I can firm myself. I hope, I can not like crying, not be so selfish, less anxiety, cherish everything, not be afraid of storms, move forward bravely. This is me—a common boy.


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